Discover sustainable lawn alternatives with "Lawn Grass Alternatives: Green Your Space Sustainably" for a low-maintenance, eco-friendly yard.
Liriope, or lilyturf, is a low-maintenance ground cover used in landscapes. It resembles grass but is part of the asparagus family.
Common purslane, also known as little hogweed or pursley, is a prostrate, succulent, summer annual broadleaf weed commonly found throughout Louisiana.
Different pruners are used for different plants, and different cuts within the same plant will necessitate different types of hand pruners.
This compact evergreen shrub adds a burst of color to the landscape with its golden chartreuse foliage – the defining feature of this variety.
The Zesty Zinnia series from Ball Horticulture boasts bountiful blooms, where the large flowers are available in a spectrum of colors.
With showy flowers borne on long, narrow floral spikes, porterweed beckons the attention of people passing by and a host of pollinators.
As one of the first signals of spring, the bright pink flowers of deciduous magnolias are the talk of the town every February.
Curated list to help gardeners with plant identification and landscape solutions.
This is a warm-season grass, actively growing from spring to fall. It can grow in a wide range of soils and has a stoloniferous growth habit.
Purple muhly is a perennial, warm-season bunching grass that is native to Louisiana and central and eastern United States, blooming in late summer to fall.
This fact sheet provides insights that can be applied to designing and building a seat wall on a home property.
Eastern gamagrass is a warm-season grass that is native to Louisiana. The culms form bunches, making it a good selection as an ornamental grass in the landscape
Chalky bluestem is a perennial warm-season bunch grass that is native to Louisiana, growing from February to October.
Mondo grass is a relatively easy-to-grow ground cover that performs well in dense shade. Learn more highlights about this maintainable turfgrass.
Harvesting rainwater is a conservation technique to combat increased water demand, water quality issues and scarcity of water resources.
Monstera requires a well-drained, acidic to neutral soil that is rich in organic material. It loves bright, indirect sunlight - the prefect indoor plant.
Here are specific tips for keeping your landscape plants alive during an extended period of drought.
It is normal for your lawn to lose its color and go brown during periods of drought. View these tips for supplemental irrigation to reduce dead grass.
Lawn care contractors manage and maintain several sites; however, issues from one property may pose problems on other sites if not properly addressed.
Insects in the garden can be both a benefit and a burden.
Many of us have encountered a tree with a noticeably deformed root system.
The feverfew "Sunny Ball" is a charming plant known for its showy, yellow ball-like blooms.
The strawflower "Raspberry Rose" is a beautiful species, known for its vibrant raspberry rose-colored blooms and the papery texture of its petals.
One way to combat disease in the landscape is by implementing sanitizing procedures into your operation.
Statice is a beautiful and ancient plant known for its vibrant blooms and enduring beauty.
Paved surfaces are synonymous with modifying natural water flow patterns, preventing infiltration and percolation of rain and runoff water into soils.
Pergolas are simple structures comprised of columns and posts that support beams or a lattice overhead. They create the feeling of an enclosed ambiance.
Curated list to help gardeners with plant identification and landscape solutions.
Curated list to help gardeners with plant identification and landscape solutions.
Curated list to help gardeners with plant identification and landscape solutions.
Curated list to help gardeners with plant identification and landscape solutions.
A French drain is a system that can help alleviate concerns of excess water by providing an avenue to evacuate water from saturated areas.
A valuable resource in maintaining this sharp scenery is the use of landscape bed edging.
Cool-season color is an unheralded hero in the landscape.
Another common northern climate perennial, delphiniums are typically strangers in the Deep South.
Well known as a perennial in many northern climates, columbine makes an elegant annual addition to the cool-season southern garden.
Gulf Coast muhly grass, or simply muhly grass, is one of the absolute greatest ornamental grasses for Louisiana landscapes.
Amazon dianthus is a cool-season perennial in the Louisiana climate.
Violas have been a long-time cool-season favorite and a go-to plant for the southern garden.
Indian blanket flower, or blanket flower, gaillardia is a wildflower species native to the southern plains region of the United States.
Peggy Martin roses are a robust and recognizable feature in the Louisiana landscape with showy, fragrant pink flowers.
Just because the sun is setting doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying your landscape.
A deck is a wonderful addition to a landscape, providing an elevated perch to observe the property, entertain guests or enjoy nature while relaxing.
Proper landscape bed preparation is imperative to the establishment of a healthy landscape, however, there is no single method to follow.
Adding a hardscape patio provides an aesthetically pleasing, functional outdoor space to enjoy with friends and family.
Marigolds originated in the Americas but naturalized in portions of India, North Africa and Europe as early as the 16th century.
Few trees invoke the feeling of the old Southern homestead like our native Southern magnolia, and Little Gem is no exception.
Vitex is a tough shrub or tree that can withstand a variety of conditions.
Begonias are a popular shade garden plant in Louisiana with assorted colors, shapes and patterns of leaves available.
Altheas, also known as Rose of Sharon, are deciduous flowering shrubs, producing large summer blooms typical of the Hibiscus genus, and a classic specimen in so
Louisiana Plant Health Management: Solving Plant Health Problems Caused by Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
The Suncredible Yellow sunflower is a disease-resistant, continuous bloomer that provides nonstop flower power throughout the entire growing season.
The Virginia willow is a deciduous shrub that is native to the woody and swampy floodplains of the Gulf South states.
Hibiscus is a large family of plants that includes okra, cotton, tropical hibiscus, althea, rose mallow and many more.
Impatiens are one of the most popular bedding plants in the United States because of their wide-ranging color availability and tolerance of shade.
The bald cypress is the state tree of Louisiana, and these native trees can be observed growing throughout Louisiana and the entire southeastern United States.
The American beautyberry is a moderate-to-large-size native perennial shrub that grows throughout Louisiana.
The southern sugar maple is a native deciduous shade tree that is underutilized in Louisiana.
This flowering evergreen tree produces creamy white, fragrant flowers in midspring and sporadically in the summertime.
Little Ruby is typically used as an annual in Louisiana. It is used as a ground cover for its compact, mounding, spreading form.
Serena series angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia, Serena Series) are herbaceous perennials grown as a warm-season color bedding plants in Louisiana.
The Serenita angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia, Serenita Raspberry) is a herbaceous perennial grown as a warm-season color bedding plant in Louisiana.
Pentas, also known as Egyptian starcluster, are some of the best landscape plants for attracting pollinators to a garden.
The FlameThrower coleus series can be identified by its uniquely shaped thin and ruffled foliage that stands out in any landscape, providing wonderful texture.
Redbor kale delivers a dramatic display of red-purple foliage, adding visual interest when paired with such cool-season blooming annuals as dianthus and violas.
Torenia, also known as wishbone flower, is a compact annual plant that brings vivid colors to shady areas of the garden.
Rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium virgatum or V. ashei) is a deciduous shrub native to the southeastern United States.
Some of the best cool-season bedding plants we have available in Louisiana are interspecific dianthus, and the Jolt series dianthus is no exception.
Drift roses are some of the toughest and most tolerant shrub roses in Louisiana, making them the perfect addition for the busy gardener.
Firebush (Hamelia patens) is a root-hardy tropical. Its best attribute is the amazing variegated chartreuse and light green foliage with red veining.
Balled-and-burlapped plant material is dug out of the ground with the soil immediately surrounding the roots remaining undisturbed.
Encouraging and maintaining healthy native bee populations in your yard requires the presence of nesting habitat in addition to forage.
Native pollinators have evolved close associations with the plants specific to their native regions.
In addition to flowers, bedding plants may be grown for their colorful foliage or interesting forms or textures. With proper selection, they can be used to provide color throughout the year. Use this publication to help you with bedding plant selection and proper care. (PDF Format Only)
This publication outlines some of the options for design, operation and maintenance of ornamental ponds and discusses basic environmental requirements of fish and plants commonly grown in these ponds. 20 pages. Full color. (PDF Format Only)
Several factors need to be carefully considered when you’re developing landscape beds for ornamental plants. Learn about soil texture, what to do for poorly drained soils and soil amendments. (PDF Format Only)
It would be hard to find a flower more universally loved than the rose. Over humanity’s long history with this plant, the rose has found its way into our gardens, cuisine, medicine, art and cultures. It is easier than ever to find undemanding, reliable roses that will enhance your landscape. This publication will help you decide what types of roses to grow, as well as explaining how to plant and take care of them. (PDF Format Only)
Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima), the leading floricultural crop in the United States since the mid-1980s, are one of the primary trademarks of the Christmas season. This publication includes information on plant selection, varieties, placement and care in the home, and care after Christmas for poinsettias. (PDF Format Only)
The Louisiana iris continues to be a popular plant for landscapes in the Southeast. This publication provides information on culture, watering, fertilization and several other topics. (PDF Format Only)
If we manage our lawns correctly and use proper cutting practices, we can have nice lawns and rarely be bothered with clippings. Learn how to leave clippings in place without creating problems for your lawn. (PDF format only)
Azaleas, the major ornamental plants in Louisiana’s residential and commercial landscapes, are available in many flower colors, growth habits and foliage characteristics. This publication includes information on planting and maintenance, pest control recommendations and details on popular varieties. (PDF Format Only)
Information on culture, watering, fertilization and several other topics of Lantana camara (common lantana), Lantana hybrids and Lantana montevidensis (trailing lantana).
Many Louisiana gardeners are expressing their desire to attract butterflies to their yards. Learn how to create a butterfly-friendly environment with a few simple requirements: food, water, shelter and a place to reproduce. (PDF Format Only)
Vines for Louisiana Landscapes is a new full-color, 16-page publication from the LSU AgCenter about how you can use vines in your landscapes. With 19 photographs, it covers everything from Confederate jasmine to Chinese wisteria and includes recommendations for selecting the right type of vine for your situation, as well as tips on planting and maintenance. Cost: $5 plus tax and shipping.
Rainfall sensors are necessary for automatic in-ground irrigation systems to bypass irrigation events during rainfall to conserve water resources and maintain plant health. (pdf format only)