Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)/Affirmative Action

Understanding Equality: The Past, Present, and Future

As leaders of the LSU and SU AgCenters, we are fully committed to ensuring civil rights and equal opportunity for employees, applicants for employment, and beneficiaries of Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability. Our civil rights policies entitle every customer and colleague to be treated with fairness, equality, and respect, prohibiting discrimination in all aspects of human resources policies, practices, and operations.

Faculty and staff have both an ethical and a legal responsibility to take personal responsibility for ensuring that civil rights are protected, laws are enforced, and discrimination in any form is prevented.

With your help and commitment, we can achieve AgCenters of excellence. Our vision is for our organizations to be workplaces of integrity, providing quality research, programs and services to all people.

Matthew R. Lee.
Vice President for Agriculture and
Dean of the College of Agriculture

Dr. Orlando McMeans
Chancellor, Southern University Agricultural Center

EEO Roles and Responsibilities - Roles and responsibilities for maintaining civil rights/affirmative action compliance in extension education/research programs and employment for the LSU AgCenter.

EEO/Affirmative Action Policy - PS-23 - The LSU AgCenter reaffirms its policy for Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity with AgCenter Policy 23.

EEO Laws - This is a summary of the laws which govern employment opportunities within the LSU AgCenter.

EEO Poster

And Justice for All poster

Know Your Rights

EthicsPoint Online Reporting System

Related Policies

Affirmative Action Plan

LSU Agricultural Center Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan

LSU Agricultural Center Organization Chart

References and Resources

AgCenter Contact information for Accommodations, Questions or Complaints

10/17/2024 7:04:24 PM
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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
