Serena series angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia, Serena Series) are herbaceous perennials grown as a warm-season color bedding plants in Louisiana. It is often referred to as summer snapdragon because its elegant flowers resemble an open-mouthed dragon. This plant grows as a bushy, spreading plant with narrow, dark green foliage and spikes of flowers that come in colors of mauve, pink, purple, blue and white. They are vibrant and prolific bloomers from May through October and thrive in the summer heat and humidity. Serena angelonia is a gorgeous addition to the landscape and can be used as a border planting, a ground cover or as a spilling plant for containers. It is also fantastic for attracting butterflies, bees and hummingbirds and the leaves are fragrant to boot!
Current varieties within the Serena series include Serena purple angelonia, Serena rose angelonia, Serena white angelonia, Serena blue angelonia and Serena waterfall mixture Angelonia, which are all well suited to most areas of Louisiana.