BabyWing begonia in white.
Because of their beautiful waxy foliage and prolific flowering habit, begonias have been a popular shade garden plant in Louisiana. Many are familiar with the assorted colors, shapes and patterns of begonia leaves available today.
The BabyWing series is noted for its higher tolerance to heat, stress and drought than typical begonias. Begonias are best planted where they receive 4 to 6 hours of morning sun, with protection from hot afternoon sun. BabyWing has tolerated full sun exposure during Hammond Research Station trials and achieves best plant structure with afternoon shade.
BabyWing also blooms earlier and longer. This plant can be found in white, pink, red and bicolor blooming varieties, and the blooms appear in late spring, lasting until the first frost. Begonias are typically found as transplants and are available at local nurseries. Plant transplants in April in well-drained soil prepared with organic matter and a general-purpose fertilizer. Take care not to let the roots stay wet, which can cause root and crown rot problems. One or two deep irrigations per week should suffice in shady locations with more regular irrigations for sunnier locations. BabyWing begonias make great shade garden companions with impatiens, ferns, hostas, caladiums and ginger!
BabyWing begonia in pink.
BabyWing begonia blooms earlier and longer.
BabyWing Begonia has a mounding and upright habit and loves the shade!
For more information on BabyWing begonia and other Louisiana Super Plants, contact your local
LSU AgCenter Extension office or visit