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(Video 02/17/25) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Michael Polozola about some of the best pecan varieties for our state and the best time to plant them.
(Video 02/10/25) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Jason Stagg advises patience before removing plants that appear to be dead after a freeze.
(02/14/25) Now is your opportunity to reduce the size of plants that have outgrown their space, correct symmetry issues and lift the canopy of trees.
(Video 01/27/25) On this Get It Growing, discover some great small trees you can use in your yard and how to properly plant them.
(Video 02/03/25) On this Get It Growing, learn how to get the best fig cuttings to propagate a healthy plant.
(02/11/25) 4-H has acquired vans in several Louisiana parishes to transport underserved youth thanks to local support.
(02/07/25) It's important to plant varieties that are resistant to a disease called scab.
(02/10/25) Vet school student Kathryn LeBlanc invited her former 4-H agent, Kayla Segura, to present her white coat.
(Video 02/06/25) Getting water is not as simple as turning on the faucet. Water treatment plants are charged with making sure water is safe to drink.
(Video 02/06/25) The Brody Meaux Memorial Rodeo or Brodeo is a one-of-a-kind event geared towards students with special needs.
(Video 2/6/25) Sugarcane acreage across Louisiana has been expanding for the past decade, and one of the primary reasons is less volatility in sugar prices.
(02/04/25) BATON ROUGE, La. — The East Baton Rouge Master Gardeners Library Series is back to get you ready for spring plantings.
(01/28/25) Jessica Stroope will help rural communities locate funding for infrastructure projects and other improvements.
(01/29/25) The LSU AgCenter Cooperative Extension Service is accepting applications for its Extension Internship program.
(01/29/25) The 2025 Baton Rouge Garden Show will be the 23rd iteration of the event.
(01/28/25) The AgCenter has announced garden shows around the state, including in Baton Rouge, Lake Charles and the Northshore.
(01/28/25) While there was some damage on thew strawberries, experts expect farmers to be back on track within a few weeks.
(01/31/25) It can take up to eight weeks for a seed to grow into a small plant that’s sturdy enough to be transplanted.
(01/24/25) Hudson Galloway and Eliza Foster will be the king and queen of the 90th Southeast District Livestock Show.
(01/24/25) As south Louisiana begins to thaw out after the historic arctic blast, many are wondering how the cold weather will affect the 2025 crawfish season.
(01/24/25) Winter is the perfect time to take cuttings and start new fig trees.
(Video 01/20/25) LSU AgCenter horticulturists Jason Stagg and Michael Polozola discuss tips for growing the camellia japonica.
(01/22/25) The LSU AgCenter Food Innovation Institute (FOODii) and the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences presents Unlocking the Secrets of Food Sciences.
(01/23/25) It's generally best to wait till spring to prune plants.
(01/17/25) BATON ROUGE, La. — The LSU AgCenter will have a free, year-long training program for Louisiana’s beginning farmers this spring.
(01/17/25) You don't have to have a lot of space to plant a tree. Try smaller options like vitexes, Taiwan cherries, Japanese magnolias and hollies.
(1/15/25) Two brothers were recipients of the Outstanding Master Farmer Award at a luncheon held on Jan. 9.
(01/15/25) The event will focus on freshwater impacts in the Pontchartrain Basin.
(01/03/25) These trees produce large, uniquely flavored fruit, and their leaves are an important food source for butterflies.
(01/10/25) Winter is a great time to plant camellias.
(01/14/25) Low commodity prices are likely to limit row crop farmers' profits.
(01/14/25) High school agriculture teacher and past Louisiana FFA state officer Summer Anderson has been appointed the executive secretary of Louisiana FFA.
(Video 01/13/25) LSU AgCenter horticulturists Jason Stagg and Anna Timmerman discuss the pawpaw tree — a native Louisiana plant.
(01/06/25) The LSU AgCenter LaHouse Research and Education Center shares practical advice for Louisiana residents during extreme cold.
(01/03/25) Bring plants inside if you can. For plants that must remain outdoors, covering them can help protect them from freezes.
(01/02/25) The summit will be held at the State Evacuation Shelter in Alexandria, La.
To make lasting and beneficial modifications, nutrition and physical activity experts at the LSU AgCenter recommend starting with small changes.
(Video 12/23/24) This year, crop yields returned to average or above-average levels, but now prices for nearly all ag commodities have fallen.
(Video 12/23/24) In September, Cade LeJeune was named the executive director of Louisiana agricultural education and state FFA adviser.
(12/23/24) For a decade the LSU AgCenter Food Innovation Institute (FOODii) Sensory Services Lab has recruited consumers to test food products.
(Video 12/26/24) On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Jason Stagg describes some important steps for maintaining plants moved indoors.
(12/20/24) Qinglin Wu has written 476 publications and has been cited almost 27,000 times.
(12/20/24) Louisiana has recorded the nation’s first severe human infection of H5N1, also known as highly pathogenic avian influenza or bird flu.
(12/27/24) A few common mistakes are likely to blame for many indoor plant problems.
(Video 12/23/24) There’s a reason why some satsuma fruits look very different than others.
(12/20/24) Mistletoe is a parasite that can weaken trees.
(Video 12/19/24) On this Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Jason Stagg explains some of the best holly varieties to grow in your landscape.
(12/19/24) The LSU AgCenter and LSU College of Agriculture recognized outstanding faculty and staff during an award ceremony held Dec. 18.
(12/17/24) BATON ROUGE, La. — LSU AgCenter experts will be featured speakers during a national multi-conference event, Jan. 27 and 28 in East Memphis, Tennessee
(12/17/24) A team of researchers in Louisiana and Florida recently received nearly $500,000 in grant funding to train farmers on food safety techniques.
(Video 12/16/24) Citrus trees can be a great addition to your landscape.
(12/13/24) Some hollies grow as trees while others can be used to create hedges and privacy screens.
(12/13/24) 4-H students participated in different opportunities arund the state this holiday season.
(Video 12/11/24) Much of the Cajun prairie has been lost, but a group of Louisiana 4-H members are hoping a little bit returns through a restoration project.
(Video 12/11/24) Louisiana sugarcane farmers are entering the home stretch of their harvest, and this year’s crop has been described as a good one.
(12/10/24) Brayden Blanchard, who grew up on a sugarcane farm, is using new technology to develop improved varieties.
(12/09/24) New World screwworm larvae, which feed on live tissue, can be deadly to livestock and wildlife populations.
(12/09/24) The second annual Louisiana Agricultural Outlook Forum will be held Jan. 14 at the State Evacuation Shelter.
(12/06/24) 4-H'ers from the Central regions came to the Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge to repopulate native species.
(12/06/24) Planting guidelines vary based on where you are in Louisiana.
(Video 12/04/24) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Jason Stagg explains how to care for your poinsettias so they last through the holidays.
(12/04/24) LSU AgCenter plant pathologist Paul “Trey” Price has received the Louisiana Soybean and Feed Grains and Promotion Board Distinguished Professorship.
(12/04/24) Felipe Dalla Lana and Vinson Doyle are among a large group of scientists participating in the International Rice False Smut Consortium.
(11/29/24) Poinsettias have an interesting history. Today, you can find many colors of this traditional holiday plant.