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Management Practices

Implementing the correct management practices allows one to maintain a healthy lawn and also helps turfgrasses tolerate or recover from environmental stresses and pest injuries. Review these topics for information on basic practices from aerification to mowing height to create a lawn care maintenance routine.

Cultural Maintenance PracticespngCultural maintenance practices

Cultural maintenance includes management practices that promote healthy turfgrass growth. These topics are essential to creating a lawn care maintenance routine and cover practices such as mowing and aerification.

Establishment Methods1pngEstablishment methods

Establishing turfgrass properly is critical to ensuring it will develop into a healthy, vigorous lawn.These topics outline several methods to consider when establishing a new turfgrass lawn.

Calibration MethodspngCalibration methods

Equipment calibration should be completed before applying any fertilizer, pesticide, product to a home lawn. View these calibration methods to learn the basic steps on how to properly calibrate commonly used equipment for home lawn maintenance.


Some cultural management practices require basic calculations prior to their application and implementation. View these topics for tips and steps on common conversions and calculations.

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