William Pitman

Pitman, William D.
Title Professor
Department Hill Farm Research Station
E-mail WPitman@agcenter.lsu.edu
Address 1 11959 Highway 9
Homer, LA 71040
Phone 318-927-2578
Fax 318-927-9505

Pitman, W.D. 2012. Big Bluestem response to fertilizer and defoliation on the Louisiana Coastal Plain. Journal of Plant Nutrition 35: 257-267.

Han, K.J., M.W. Alison, W.D. Pitman, and M.E. McCormick. 2012. Contribution of overseeded clovers to bermudagrass pastures in several environments. Crop Science 52: 431-441.

Noah, R.L., J.P. Muir, J.A. Brady, R.D. Wittie, D.H. Kattes, W.D. Pitman, G.L. Rea, and M.R. Brakie. 2012. Genotypic and phenotypic variability in three prairie acacia accessions. Crop Science 52: 951-959.

Noah, R.L., J.P. Muir, R.D. Wittie, D.H. Kattes, W.D. Pitman, G.L. Rea, and M.R. Brakie. 2012. Prairie acacia, panicled tick-clover, and herbaceous mimosa herbage, nitrogen and seed yields, nutritive value, and regional adaptation. Agronomy Journal 104: 265-270.

Han, K.J., W.D. Pitman, M.W. Alison, D.L. Harrell, H.P. Viator, M.E. McCormick, K.A. Gravois, K. Kim, and D.F. Day. 2012. Agronomic considerations for sweet sorghum biofuel production in the south-central USA. Bioenergy Research 5: 748-758.

Muir, J.P., W.D. Pitman, and J.L. Foster. 2011. Sustainable, low-input, warm-season, grass-legume grassland mixtures: mission (nearly) impossible? Grass and Forage Science 66: 301-315.

Pitman, W.D. 2011. Pastures of the U.S. Western Gulf Coast Region. pp. 85-107 in Pastures: Dynamics, Economics and Management, N.T. Prochazka (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Happauge, New York.

Pitman, W.D. 2010. Forage and grassland plants in agroforestry systems in the U.S. Western Gulf Coast Region. pp. 167-184 in Handbook on Agroforestry: Management Practices and Environmental Impact, L.R. Kellimore (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Happauge, New York.

Pitman, W.D. 2009. Establishment and survival of native legumes on upland sites in Louisiana. Native Plants Journal 10: 240-250.

Pitman, W.D. 2009. Invasiveness of species useful as warm-season pasture legumes in the southeastern United States. pp. 145-159 in Invasive Species: Detection, Impact and Control, C.P. Wilcox and R.B. Turpin (eds.), Nova Science Publishers, Happauge, New York.

Pitman, W.D. 2008. Establishment and regrowth of Albizia julibrissin on Louisiana coastal plain soils. Agroforestry Systems 74: 259-266.

Venuto, B.C., S.S. Croughan, W.D. Pitman, R.W. Jessup, K. Renganayaki, and B.L. Burson. 2007. Variation among hexaploid Paspalum dilatatum Poir. regenerants from tissue culture. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 47: 1109-1116.

Pitman, W.D. and J.C. Read. 2007. Texas bluegrass responses to seeding rate and fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30: 309-319.

Pitman, W.D. 2007. Forage systems for warm humid areas, pp. 303-311 in Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture, Vol.II, 6th edition, R.F. Barnes, C.J. Nelson, K.J. Moore, and M. Collins (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa.

Pitman, W.D. and A.E. Kretschmer, Jr. 2007. Legumes for tropical and subtropical areas, pp. 191-210 in Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture, Vol.II, 6th edition, R.F. Barnes, C.J. Nelson, K.J. Moore, and M. Collins (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa.

Pitman, W.D. 2006. Stand characteristics of sericea lespedeza in the Louisiana coastal plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 115: 295-298.

Pitman, W.D., S.S. Croughan, J.L. Nash, and B.C. Venuto. 2005. Somaclonal variation in seed germination of dallisgrass biotypes. Plant Genetic Resources 3: 414-420.

Redfearn, D.D., B.C. Venuto, W.D. Pitman, D.C. Blouin, and M.W. Alison. 2005. Multilocation annual ryegrass cultivar performance over a twelve-year period. Crop Science 45: 2388-2393.

Muir, J.P. and W.D. Pitman. 2004. Establishment of Desmanthus species in existing grass stands. Native Plants Journal 5: 5-13.

Pitman, W.D., C.G. Chambliss, and J.B. Hacker. 2004. Digitgrass and other species of Digitaria, pp. 715-743 in Warm-Season (C4) Grasses, L.E. Moser, B.L. Burson, and L.E. Sollenberger (eds.), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.

Venuto, B.C., D.D. Redfearn, W.D. Pitman, and M.W. Alison. 2004. Impact of seeding rate on annual ryegrass performance. Grass and Forage Science 59: 8-14.

Pitman, W.D., S.S. Croughan, and M.J. Stout. 2002. Field performance of bermudagrass germplasm expressing somaclonal variation for divergent responses to fall armyworm. Euphytica 125: 103-111.

Redfearn, D.D., B.C. Venuto, W.D. Pitman, M.W. Alison, and J.D. Ward. 2002. Cultivar and environmental effects on annual ryegrass yield, yield distribution, and nutritive value. Crop Science 42: 2049-2054.

Venuto, B.C., D.D. Redfearn, W.D. Pitman, and M.W. Alison. 2002. Seed variation among annual ryegrass cultivars in south-eastern USA and the relationship with seedling vigor and forage production. Grass and Forage Science 57: 305-311.

Muir, J.P., W.D. Pitman, and D.F. Coombs. 2001. Seeding rate, phosphorus fertilization, and location effects on ‘Armadillo’ burr medic. Agronomy Journal 93: 1269-1275.

Redfearn, D.D., B.C. Venuto, and W.D. Pitman. 2001. Nutritive value responses of rhizoma peanut to nitrogen and harvest frequency. Agronomy Journal 93: 107-112.

Sotomayor-Rios, A. and W.D. Pitman (eds.). 2001. Tropical Forage Plants: Development and Use. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Pitman, W.D. 2000. ‘Georgia-5’ tall fescue establishment responses to amendment of Louisiana coastal plain soils. Agronomy Journal 92: 479-484.

Pitman, W.D. 2000. Adaptation of tall-grass prairie cultivars to West Louisiana. Journal of Range Management 53: 47-51.

Pitman, W.D., D.D. Redfearn, and J.C. Read. 2000. Responses of Texas bluegrass to season of nitrogen fertilization on the Louisiana coastal plain. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23: 423-429.

Forage Agronomy
Research Project LAB04099
Title: Pasture management alternatives to intensively managed, nitrogen-fertilized grasses on Louisiana coastal plain and associated soils

B.S. Agricultural Education, 1971, East Texas State University, Commerce, TX
M.S. Crop Science, 1977, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Ph.D. Agronomy, 1980, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

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