With the Coronavirus pandemic still floating in Louisiana and around the country, Cynthia Clifton, Nutrition Extension Agent with the LSU AgCenter in St. John the Baptist Parish decided to talk to different organizations in the parish to see if water bottles could be purchased for the St. John the Baptist Parish students. Lisa Ellsworth with Healthy Blue answered the call with her organization. Healthy Blue agreed to purchase 200 water bottles for East St. John High students.
This was a project that the LSU AgCenter Healthy Communities had been talking about during this Coronavirus pandemic since they are back at school.
Ms. Clifton contacted Mrs. Yvette Scioneaux at East St. John High to ask about the number of students and to see if this would be something that would be good for the students.Mrs. Scioneaux was excited and would speak to Mrs. Batiste the principal to see how and when this presentation would take place.
The water bottles were delivered to East St. John High School on Thursday, November 5, 2020 by Ms. Clifton.Ms. Clifton presented the water bottles to Mrs. Scioneaux and Mrs. Benoit, school Assistant Principal.Excitement was in the school that day from some of the other teachers that heard about the presentation.
A special Thank You to Mrs. Ellsworth and Heathy Blue for supporting the LSU AgCenter in providing water bottles for East St. John High students.
To learn more about projects by the LSU AgCenter in St. John the Baptist Parish, contact Cynthia Clifton at cclifton@agcenter.lsu.eduor 985-497-3261. Visit our parish page at https://www.facebook.com/lsuagcenterstjohnparish.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture