Background information including biology, sampling methods, and control methods for the cotton bollworm in Louisiana row crops.
Disease control of fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt, root-knot nematode, seedling diseases and boll rots.
Plant bugs have become a very serious insect pest of cotton in the Midsouth. Control is often diļ¬cult because of high population densities and resistance. Follow these best management practices to help reduce the cost of plant bug control. (PDF Format Only)
Cutworms are early-season pests that damage cotton by reducing plant stand densities below optimum levels. Damage generally occurs in poorly drained areas where winter vegetation is still present. This publication includes information on biology, field habits, control, and the description and field identification for the various types of cutworms.
Correct identification of aphids and knowledge of aphid habits are necessary so insecticides to control them will be directed at the proper species at the proper time. (PDF Format Only)
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture