Here's how to Join the Club:
Mental Health Awareness is our state and parish service-learning focus for the 2022-2023 year. Opportunities will be offered for you to participate in our statewide focus. Let’s get busy making a difference in our community and state.
Create a card to be given to residents at Cypress at Lake Providence Nursing Home. Bring your card to the February 4-H club meeting.
The 4-H Honor Cord has the following requirements:
Application due: February 10th
The mask must be made by the 4-H’er! It must be made using the paper template provided by your 4-H agent. Divisions will be 4th-5th and 6th-12th grades. Awards in each division will be 1st Place ($15); 2nd Place ($10); and 3rd Place ($5). Masks are due February 10th.
JLC is open to 4-H’ers who are 14 years and older. This year’s “Flow Your Leadership” tracks include topics such as service learning, leadership, science/engineering/technology, outdoors, networking, and performing arts. JLC will take place March 9th-10th and repeat March 10th-11th at Camp Grant Walker in Pollock. Registration is $65 and is due by February 12th.
Learn more about milk and milk products and their importance to healthy bodies by drawing a dairy “billboard.” Demonstrate your communication skills in the drawing by encouraging or promoting the consumption of milk and/or milk products. Share your knowledge with others. Sponsored by the Louisiana Dairy Industry Promotion Board and the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.
Rules and Regulations:
Scott Foundation Scholarship applications are due by March 1st. Submit completed application by 4:30 p.m. to the 4-H office.
The 2023 LBIC Beef Poster Contest Theme is “Beef: A Sustainable Choice.”
Rules and Regulations:
It’s time to plan for 4-H Summer Camp. 4th-6th graders (ages 9-12) are eligible to attend. The base cost is $215; however, if you are eligible for both offered scholarships the cost is $95. East Carroll will camp May 29th-June 1st. The deadline to pay in full is April 3rd. Spaces are limited, so register early.
We have not locked in our dates yet, but it is our intention for our delegation to attend during the week of June 25th-July 1st or July 2nd-8th. The entire week will be focused on citizenship and leadership skills.
Through Citizenship Washington Focus, teens experience Washington, D.C. like never before. Using the nation’s capital as their classroom, CWF connects young leaders from across the country to gain the skills and experiences to become effective change agents.
Participants must be ages 14-19, and a current 4-H member and maintain active membership in 4-H through the conference year. Once all spots have filled, the remaining who signed up will be put on an alternate list. The alternate list will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
The cost of the trip is $2,500 per participant. The $2,500 is the responsibility of the participating youth delegate to pay in full by April 30th. There will be a down payment requirement of $300 due when signing up for a spot in the CWF2023 experience. Youth delegates are encouraged to work with their 4-H agents to find local sponsors and to fundraise. We will provide several examples of donor solicitation letters.
4-H members who were 13 years of age before January 1 are eligible to attend 4-H University. 4-H’ers can experience an exciting week on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge. This event will give students the opportunity to compete in contests, explore the LSU campus, and visit academic departments. 4-H U will be held June 19th-22nd. The total cost is $95. The deadline to pay is May 1st.