Itchgrass (Rottboellia chochinchinensis), also referred to a raoulgrass, is an erect annual grass that reproduces by seed. Plants are pale-green in color, have short stiff hairs arising from the leaf sheath and leaf blade, and contain prop-roots near the base of the plant. The seed head is pencil-like and jointed. Mature plants may reach 10 feet in height.
Mature itchgrass plants with seeds.
Pencil-like and jointed seed head.
Cylindrical seed.
Seedling plant with seed attached.
Tillering plant with stiff hairs on leaf sheath.
Mature johnsongrass plants with seed heads.
Seedling johnsongrass.
Leaves have a prominent white mid-rib.
Rhizome johnsongrass plantlets in early spring.
Matures johnsongrass seeds.
Spreads by stolons and rhizomes.
Mature plants with seed heads.
Seed heads.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture