Events and Contact information, Drinker location and water temperature, Breed Spotlight: Buff Orpington, and Why have my hens stopped laying eggs?
Chickens that roam freely on the ground will be exposed to different parasites. The most common are the roundworm, gapeworm, and tapeworm.
Monitor your flock and the areas they occupy to determine if you have mites or lice.
It is important that owners observe the flock routinely to know what normal behavior is so you can identify any sick or injured birds.
Once chicks reach eight weeks of age and the brooder box temperature and the ambient temperature outside are the same it’s time to consider releasing to a coop.
If you go into a farm supply store or a post office during the early spring, you might hear the sounds of baby chicks available to purchase at the feed store.
Most poultry producers must be able to treat any health issues that happen in a poultry flock because there are few veterinarians who treat poultry.
The broiler project is a short-term project generally lasting a few weeks. Broilers are chickens bred to grow muscle fast and to be eaten.
Showing poultry begins with selecting the right birds to show. This begins several months before the shows.
There are several things to be aware of if you want to trim down your flock of birds or if you have raised some birds to process for the meat.
Sometimes one breed might fit your needs and sometimes you might want multiple breeds, depending on the purpose(s) you need for eggs, meat, exhibition, etc.
There are several classifications of eggs on the market today according to the American Egg Board.
Birds need to maintain a constant body temperature in order to get rid of excess heat through their build in body mechanisms they use to get rid of heat.
I would encourage everyone that participates in poultry shows at these events to follow practices that would reduce the risk of avian influenza.
From time-to-time snakes become an issue in backyard poultry houses. Most of the time its snakes are seeking out and eating the eggs being laid.
After reviewing online information from hatcheries and extension publications, I have some helpful tips if you’re considering hatching your own birds.
Feed recommendations vary with the birds’ age and intended use. Always provide your birds with quality, commercially prepared feeds.
Common Diseases in poultry flocks are Fowl Pox, Infectious Bronchitis, Marek’s Disease, Newcastle Disease, and Coccidiosis.
Aggressive Roosters, Molting, Pecking and cannibalism, No Eggs, Eating Eggs, Roost/Nest Issues, Broody and Moody, and more.
May 2023: How much Space do I Need?, Breed Options, Livestock Shows, and Bird Care.