Cattle Pregnancy Determination Clinic

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The Louisiana Producer Pregnancy Determination Clinic is a one-day event at the Hill Farm Research Station. Local veterinarians serve as primary instructors for the clinic, along with LSU AgCenter specialists and agents. The purpose of this clinic is to assist producers with assessing pregnancy status in their own herds. Methods of pregnancy determination discussed during the clinic is rectal palpation, blood testing, and ultrasound. It is important to note that “the use of any manual or mechanical procedure for testing for pregnancy, or for correcting sterility, or infertility, or to render advice or recommendations with regard to any of the above” is a “practice of veterinary medicine” according to the Louisiana Veterinary Practice Act [La. R.S. 37:1511-1558]. With this, it is again emphasized that the materials and techniques taught in this clinic are for use on each participant’s own livestock while he/she keeps a working relationship with their veterinarian.

For more information regarding the class at the Hill Farm, please contact Lee Faulk at 318-927-2578 or or Dr. Ashley Edwards at 512-818-5476 or

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