Welcome! The Louisiana Master Gardener Program is a volunteer development program offered by the LSU AgCenter. Master Gardener volunteers are highly trained and provide proven, research-based educational programs to Louisiana residents.
In 2023, Louisiana trained 316 new volunteers. Together, new and tenured volunteers provided 86,050 hours of volunteer service throughout the state. These hours equate to nearly 44 full-time employees and an economic impact of just over $2.4 million dollars. Additionally, volunteers continued their education by completing over 22,700 continuing education units (CEUs) in 2023.
Since its inception in 1994, more than 5,500 individuals have participated in the program to become certified Louisiana Master Gardeners. After two decades, certified Louisiana Master Gardeners in good standing were given a unique opportunity to further their knowledge. The Advanced Louisiana Master Gardener Program debuted in 2015 and so far, over 110 individuals have obtained this advanced status.
At the heart of the Louisiana Master Gardener program is our volunteers. Volunteers assist Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service personnel extend the educational arm of the university to the public by providing horticultural information based on university research and recommendations.
In other words, the Louisiana Master Gardener program is a place for volunteers to have a fun, educational experience while serving the community in which they live.
Louisiana Master Gardener Program
Please contact your local LSU AgCenter Extension Office for information on upcoming LMG classes in your area.
Dr. Sara Shields