Other Tomato Resources
Vegetable Gardening Tips for tomatoes
Spring TSWV Resistant Tomato Trials
Cherry tomatoes are increasing in popularity in grocery stores and farmers markets.
Tomatoes continue to be one of the most popular spring produced vegetable crops.
The main reason to plant grafted tomato plants is to protect the plants from soil-borne diseases such as bacterial wilt, root knot nematode, and Fusarium wilt.
Every backyard garden needs at least one tomato plant, and certain varieties will do well in Louisiana.
The tomato is one of the most popular vegetables grown in home gardens. It requires little space when staked and tied and can produce 5 or more pounds of usable fruit per plant. Find information on varieties, soils, cultural practices and common pests and diseases. (PDF Format Only)
A home garden tomato variety trial to determine the best tomato for growing in containers.
The LSU AgCenter regularly conducts tomato variety trials. Here are the results with the top performers.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture