The 2024 Get It Growing Lawn & Garden Calendar offers monthly tips for Louisiana gardeners from LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard.
This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA and the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center.
It is important to clean out your sprayer to prevent any unwanted pesticides being applied to your plants.
How to properly use manure in garden, to have healthy plants and consumers.
A variety of arthropods act as biocontrol agents or predators of pest insects.
Solar distillation uses energy from the sun to separate contaminants and ions (like salts) from water. Learn how to construct your own garden distiller.
As temperatures rise, Louisianans could witness the emergence of periodical cicadas, as the 13-year cicada Brood XIX is scheduled to make an appearance.
(04/25/24) An important plant disease called southern blight has started to show up in Louisiana vegetable and ornamental production.
This is a warm-season grass, actively growing from spring to fall. It can grow in a wide range of soils and has a stoloniferous growth habit.
Purple muhly is a perennial, warm-season bunching grass that is native to Louisiana and central and eastern United States, blooming in late summer to fall.
Eastern gamagrass is a warm-season grass that is native to Louisiana. The culms form bunches, making it a good selection as an ornamental grass in the landscape
Chalky bluestem is a perennial warm-season bunch grass that is native to Louisiana, growing from February to October.
A pre-emergence herbicide application can save you time, money and effort by killing the weed shortly after the seeds germinate.
Mondo grass is a relatively easy-to-grow ground cover that performs well in dense shade. Learn more highlights about this maintainable turfgrass.
Harvesting rainwater is a conservation technique to combat increased water demand, water quality issues and scarcity of water resources.
Monstera requires a well-drained, acidic to neutral soil that is rich in organic material. It loves bright, indirect sunlight - the prefect indoor plant.
Droughts are rare incidents in Louisiana for extended periods of time. Nevertheless, they do occur, and gardeners must be prepared.
(05/10/23) Two training courses will be held near Lafayette on May 23 and 24 — a Beginning Organic Farming Workshop and Acadiana Sustainable Farm Tour.
Comprehensive article with everything that you need to know about growing peanuts.
Leafy green vegetables seem to have caught the world’s attention. Demand is growing stronger, but how can we make year-round production possible?
Six seedless watermelon varieties were planted in the spring of 2021.
Bell peppers are grown throughout the world in mild to moderately warm climates.
How to Make Sure Your Irrigation Flows While You’re on the Go – an Irrigation Planning Guide for the Vacationing Gardener
Growing microgreens gives people access to fresh, nutritious greens year-round without needing garden space.
Okra has always been a popular vegetable for southern gardeners and is the perfect choice for Louisiana’s hot summer climate.
Fall is not a time to do much to your Louisiana lawn – mow, remove fallen leaves and irrigate as needed. Warm-season grasses are slowing down and trying to go dormant. "We must let them do so," says LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dr. Tom Koske.
Artichokes are a member of the Asteraceae family. Artichokes prefer warm temperatures and thrive in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7 and higher.
Diagnosis of plant leaves turning yellow
Imported fire ants inflict painful stings and create unsightly mounds in our landscapes, and most of us would be happier if they weren’t around.
2020 National Survey
This article looks at helping lawns recover after storm debris is removed. The last paragraph looks at what criteria is needed to become a champion tree.
Spring beet variety trial results.
Floodwaters commonly contain microbial contaminants and can directly affect public health.
Crape Myrtle's vibrant flowers, long blooming season, disease and pest resistance, and relatively small size make them an excellent tree to add to your yard.
A brief guide on how and when to grow vegetables for small scale gardeners.
Boxwood crown and root rot is caused by Phytophthora spp., a funguslike microorganism commonly known as water mold.
Horticulture and plants can benefit individuals and families by supporting health and well-being.
This guide is for growing garden herbs in Louisiana.
Disease control on asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collards, corn, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, leafy vegetables, leek, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkin, shallots, spinach and squash.
Things that promote resistance along with examples of herbicides having same mode of action and weeds that are resistant to them.
Lawns and Other Turf Areas Chemical Weed Control.
Home Garden Chemical Weed Control.
Chemical Weed Control for Herbaceous and Woody Plants.
Eight varieties of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were evaluated in southeast and northwest Louisiana during the spring 2019 growing season.
In an attempt to determine if head size could be controlled by variety, a trial was established at Covey Rise Farms in Husser, LA in the fall of 2017.
List of mobile applications to help identify flora and fauna in backyards, neighborhoods, urban greens paces and other natural areas.
Cherry tomatoes are increasing in popularity in grocery stores and farmers markets.
Tomatoes continue to be one of the most popular spring produced vegetable crops.
Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. Sativus) are root crops related to other cool season crops in the Brassica family.
The plant water requirement cannot always be satisfied by natural rainfall. Follow the model "right time, right place, right amount."
Watermelons are a sweet, delicious treat grown in the spring and summer. Follow these planting tips for a successful harvest.
Information on cabbage varities trialed in 2017-18
Growing Brussels sprouts requires cool weather. A slow-growing, long-bearing crop, Brussels sprouts should be planted in late summer (8/15-10/15) for a crop tha
Encouraging and maintaining healthy native bee populations in your yard requires the presence of nesting habitat in addition to forage.
A number of common vegetable and fruit plants can serve a dual function of providing food and habitat specifically for native pollinators.
Native pollinators have evolved close associations with the plants specific to their native regions.
Gardening is one of Louisiana’s most popular activities, and this publication is designed to provide Louisiana vegetable gardeners with a comprehensive guidebook to help them get the most from their gardens.
Where you see mushrooms growing relates to the amount of organic matter available to the fungi and where, by chance, spores land and grow.
Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) the number one weed problem in Southern turfgrass.
Don't wait until you see stickers in your yard to start doing anything about it. Now is the time to treat them before they start coming up.
A short description of commonly grown herbs for home gardens. Herbs included: anise, basil, borage, caraway, cherval, coriander, fennel, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, sesame, tarragon, thyme.
This publication is intended to introduce home vegetable gardeners to the various methods used to manage the many diseases that affect these crops. (PDF Format Only)
The eastern lubber grasshopper is locally common in swamps, open woodlands, weedy fields, and ditches in the southeastern United States.
(04/06/18) Fertilizing lawns in most of Louisiana is best done in early to mid-April.
Vegetables are typically divided into two categories based on how we plant them into the garden.
Article provides ideas for future beekeeping meetings based on the last 7 years of the SW LA Beekeepers.
October could be argued as the most critical month for lawn maintenance.
Maintain an inviting atmosphere to attract birds into your yard by providing bird baths, shelters and feeders and enjoy watching them!
Bacillus thuringiensis as a biopesticide
October's one of the greatest months of the year to get out into the vegetable garden and get some possibly long-needed maintenance accomplished.