Eight varieties of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were evaluated in southeast and northwest Louisiana during the spring 2019 growing season.
In an attempt to determine if head size could be controlled by variety, a trial was established at Covey Rise Farms in Husser, LA in the fall of 2017.
The main reason to plant grafted tomato plants is to protect the plants from soil-borne diseases such as bacterial wilt, root knot nematode, and Fusarium wilt.
The LSU AgCenter Vegetable Specialist had the opportunity to visit Mendel University in the Czech Republic.
The LFVGA and the LSU AgCenter work together to promote best management practices of Louisiana-grown fruit and vegetables. These photos are from some of our past fruit and vegetable field days.
Bell peppers were grown at Burden to determine a good-quality sweet peppers that readily matured into a color other than green.
Greenhouse Tomato Operation at Red River Research Station
Summer squash is an important component of the American diet.
Results from the 2016 LSU AgCenter Pumpkin Variety Trial
A series of newsletters targeting commercial producers of fruit and vegetable crops.
Downy mildew is a potentially devastating disease of all cucurbits. Disease symptoms, development, control measures and color photographs of symptoms on pumpkin, cucumber and watermelon are included. (PDF format only)
This article provides small and large growers with the data collected from the 2012 watermelon demonstration plot at Burden Center in Baton Rouge, La.
Knowing what is in your soil and what it needs is a basic and first step to a good crop and plant health. This off-season time is a good time to get this information and find the products you will require.
Recommendations for commercial production of vegetables ranging from artichokes, asparagus and beets to strawberries, tomatoes and watermelons. Among its guidelines for more than 30 different vegetables are recommended seeding rates, planting dates and varieties. It also includes information about days from planting to harvest, the approximate time from pollination to market and optimum soil temperatures for the various vegetables covered in this guidebook. (PDF Format Only)
A simple but accurate way of checking the output of your sprayer is the H 128 method of sprayer calibration.