There are various opportunities available for individuals that are looking to volunteer at the parish level. Learn more about parish volunteer opportunities.
The Parish 4-H Organizational Leader supports their parish 4-H program through one or more of the following roles:
The Club Leader provides overall 4-H club leadership. They also coordinate members, parents, and the involvement of other leaders. 4-H Club Leaders can be an individual, a team, or a group of people who have specific roles that fulfill the 4-H Club Leader responsibilities. Team members can be a youth-adult partnership.
Our Project Leaders coordinate and teach members within a specific project area, such as photography, foods, or robotics. 4-H volunteer project leaders are the "backbone" of 4-H.
Activity Leaders direct activities, such as drama, fundraising, recreation, community service, and promotion. 4-H members learn through involvement in the activity.
4-H Advisory Committee Members represent and identify the needs and issues of 4-H clientele. They also advise the LSU AgCenter faculty on program direction for more effective and efficient delivery of services to clientele in the area. Additionally, advisory members assist in the implementation and evaluation of educational programs.
If you are interested in serving at the parish level, learn how to get involved.
There are various resources available to our parish volunteers. Browse available resources below.
Letters to 4-H Volunteer Leaders
The Letters to Leaders series provides volunteers with the resources they need to develop a successful 4-H club or project. The series covers a wide number of topics, from getting started with 4-H, to conducting meetings, to experiential learning and more!
In collaboration with the Louisiana 4-H Volunteer Leaders Association (VLA), the 4-H State Office regularly produces a newsletter with information and resources just for volunteers. You can subscribe to the newsletter, as well as view previous versions:
The State 4-H Office collaborates with the Louisiana 4-H VLA to regularly produce webinars and virtual training opportunities for volunteers. You can access available webinars on YouTube or our online classroom.
There are several online trainings available to our volunteers. Learn about online training and how to access training.
This resource provides necessary information and history about the 4-H program locally and globally and an explanation of the 4-H vision and mission. Additionally, this resource includes information on the four H's, the 4-H Motto, and the 4-H pledge.
This resource explains the various roles of a 4-H leader, tips for recruiting and partnering with other leaders and parents to assist with club efforts, as well as a list of helpful 4-H terms and definitions.
It can be a challenge for 4-H leaders to plan exciting and engaging meetings. This resource introduces leaders to the many ways to incorporate active, fun learning into the 4-H club experience.
This handbook is an essential resource for any 4-H club leader. This handbook provides an overview of the 4-H program, important materials for starting and managing a 4-H club, information on 4-H leader professional development, as well as club risk management guidelines and procedures.