Roberts, Norma

Norma Roberts

Norma Roberts

State 4-H Office

Dr. Norma Roberts completed her entire 32 year Extension career with the 4-H program as a Caddo Parish 4-H agent, State Specialist, and State 4-H Leader. She was a 4-H member in St. Landry parish. As Caddo 4-H agent, she helped organize 42 clubs and an active junior leader program. She was promoted to the state office, where responsibilities were the Records and Awards programs, Citizenship Louisiana focus, Junior Leadership Conference, and coordinator of short course for 21 years. She originated the idea of medals for blue ribbon winners at Short Course. Attendance at the state event reached over 2000 participants during her tenure as coordinator and state leader. Dr. Roberts originated 4-H Challenge camps and the state 4-H awards and recognition committee. She represented Louisiana on national committees as chair of the Citizenship Literature Development Committee, 4-H Fashion Revue, 4-H Conference program committee and authored a national 4-H citizenship project book. She has judged and served on the national 4-H record’s contests, the National 4-H Congress committee establishing 4-H Congress in Memphis and Atlanta after ending in Chicago. For her extraordinary contributions to 4-H she was recipient of the Floyd Edministon Award of Excellence for LSU Faculty, the Distinguished Service Award winner from the Louisiana and National 4-H Agents Association and the Gamma Sigma Delta Service award. She is a charter member of the Louisiana 4-H Agents Association. After her retirement, she continued to serve as a volunteer 4-H leader for a club for dyslexic children and a VIPS (Volunteers in Public Schools) as a math friend.

4/30/2015 11:06:07 PM
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