Potier, Lola D.

Lola Potier

Lola D. Potier
Vermilion Parish
Year Inducted: 2012

Lola Potier has been a member of the 4-H community for more than 56 years (1955-2012) as a member, agent, volunteer leader, 4-H Foundation and advisory committee member and parent. Her interests as a member included the foods-nutrition, food preservation and leadership projects. She also attended camps, leadership conferences and Short Course and served as a camp counselor. She served as a 4-H agent for nine years, returned to school and became a classroom teacher. Upon her return to the classroom, she became an organizational leader at E. Broussard and FIEB Elementary school. As a result of her leadership, the club was the top fourth- to sixth-grade club in the parish and won numerous state awards for community service during her tenure. Ms. Potier served as a parent leader for the parish Junior Leadership Club, assisting with activities and chaperoning trips, camps and Short Course. Her expertise in 4-H record keeping provided members with valuable training; many members received state awards. She continues to volunteer at Vermilion Parish 4-H Achievement Day, manages the exhibits contest and serves as a judge and contest superintendent. She designed and implemented a computer database program to enter and record more than 800 exhibit entries annually. For her lifelong commitment to youth development, she has received the 4-H Alumni Award, the State Friend of 4-H Award and the 4-H Club Congress Leader Award. In 1998, the Vermillion Achievement Day was dedicated to her. Lola D. Potier has also received Teacher of the Year honors by the American Legion Auxiliary and the Vermillion Parish Teacher of the Year and Educator of the Year by the Abbeville Chamber of Commerce.

2/2/2012 10:29:42 PM
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