Jill Manuel
Cameron Parish
Jill Manuel began her 4-H career as a club member in Cameron Parish in 1965. For the past 22 years she has served as the organizational leader at Grand Lake High School, livestock project leader and member of the Cameron Livestock Board.
She and her husband have given of their time and resources by housing 4-H animals for those without facilities, providing transportation for animals to livestock shows and sharing feeding, grooming and showmanship advice. She has donated prize money for premiums at shows and donates hundreds of hours of her time to assist youth selecting show animals, developing feeding plans and halter breaking, training and grooming animals. She has also volunteered time and materials to build cages and pens for show animals and has helped countless members with portfolios and completing scholarship applications.
In 2013, Grand Lake High School was named the most active 4-H Club in the parish. In 2014, she was named a blue ribbon winner in the 4-H Alumni Award Contest. Jill is currently mentoring a teacher to succeed her as leader when she retires.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture