Ann B Langlinais
Vermilion Parish
Year inducted: 2014
Ann Langlinais has a 4-H background as a member, parent, organizational and project leader, 4-H Foundation Board Chairman, parish advisory committee member, SW Region LSU AgCenter Leadership Council member and 4-H Trail Ride hostess. As a six-year club member in Kaplan, she excelled in food demonstrations. In 1966, Ann became involved in the program as a leader of the Forked Island Elementary Club and continued to promote the demonstration and public speaking activities. Under her leadership, the club and members received many citations for their outstanding community service and club activities. Members achieved many parish, district, state and national awards. Since Ann became chairman of the Vermilion 4-H Foundation, the board has been extremely active in fundraising efforts and implemented the 4-H Sporting Clay Shoot, which raised over $20,000 annually for the past three years. These funds are used to provide scholarships and transportation to statewide 4-H events. To commemorate her 46 years of dedicated service to 4-H, she has been recognized as a state 4-H Good Provider Winner and 2003 Achievement Day honoree, and awarded an Outstanding 4-H Leader Citation by Senator Fred Hoyt, Louisiana Legislature. Ann is a member of the Louisiana and Vermilion Retired Teacher Associations, St. Anne Catholic Church and Ladies Altar Society.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture