C.L. Keene
Madison Parish
Year Inducted: 2012
C. L. Keene provided leadership as a volunteer in both parish and state 4-H programs from 1976-2007. He became an active volunteer when his oldest child entered the 4-H program. As a parent volunteer and community leader, he served on the Madison Parish 4-H and Overall Advisory committees. Mr. Keene was very active in promoting volunteer leadership and advisory community support for 4-H throughout Louisiana and the Southern Region. He attended the Southern Region Leadership Forum for more than 25 years and presented workshops many times, including the Cast Iron Cooking program. His love for the outdoors prompted his involvement in the early days of the outdoor skills programs in the 1990s, including the first Northeast Louisiana Agriculture and Environmental Camp in 1993 that led to the development of Wild Woods Wanderings Camp. He represented Louisiana on the Outdoor Skills Sports Fishing initiative and served on the national advisory board for four years. Mr. Keene worked with other parents and community leaders to develop a strong parish livestock program and was instrumental in establishing the Louisiana Junior Cattlemen’s Association. He led the effort to establish beef showmanship events at the LSU AgCenter State Livestock Show for exhibitors ineligible for breed-sponsored competition. A similar event was established at the Louisiana State Fair. For his years of dedicated service to 4-H youth, C.L. Keene has received distinguished service recognition including the Louisiana’s Cattlemen’s Spur Club, the 1996 Volunteer of the Year for the Louisiana State Fair, the 2009 Ag Expo Livestock Show dedication and the 2011 Northeast Louisiana Livestock Show dedication.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture