Concordia Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. Sue Butler served as a 4-H leader at Vidalia Upper Elementary in Concordia Parish for 10 years (1988-98). When the Character Counts! program was initiated, she served as Central Area coordinator. In addition, Sue served on the LSU AgCenter’s Central Area Leadership Council for two years and on the parish advisory committee.
Caddo Parish. Year Inducted 2014. Sandra Brumley became immersed as a Caddo Parish 4-H Volunteer leader when her son and daughter joined the group and wanted to show chickens and livestock 18 years ago. Sandra soon became involved in the Caddo Parish Fair as a board member, poultry superintendent and eventually served as Parish Fair Superintendent for 10 years. She became more involved in her children’s local club and began serving as a key organizational leader, a position she continues today.
Vermilion Parish (deceased). Year Inducted: 2014. For 39 years, Johnny Broussard was involved in the 4-H program as a member and livestock leader. As a member, he exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull at LSU and participated in the State 4-H Short Course Meat Identification and Poultry Judging contests.
Jefferson Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. For 17 years (1992-2009) Madge Borne served as a Jefferson Parish organizational 4-H leader and served on the parish 4-H Foundation and Advisory boards for three years. Her innovative program included countless fifth-grade youth in the urban 4-H program. Club officers and committee chairpersons met weekly to ensure preparation and responsibility for activities.
Acadia Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. Judia Lacombe has devoted her life to the Iota 4-H program as a member (1955) and organizational and project leader for Iota Junior and Iota Senior Clubs for 40 years, Acadia 4-H Advisory Council (25 years), 4-H Foundation Board, Awards Trip and Scholarship Coordinator (24 years) and donor. She believes 4-H is a family affair and recruits parents, grandparents and caring adults to assist the 100+ members in each club.
Vermilion Parish. Year inducted: 2014. Ann Langlinais has a 4-H background as a member, parent, organizational and project leader, 4-H Foundation Board Chairman, parish advisory committee member, SW Region LSU AgCenter Leadership Council member and 4-H Trail Ride hostess. As a six-year club member in Kaplan, she excelled in food demonstrations.
Winn Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. Carolyn Lang is a 4-H alumna and has served as leader of the Atlanta High School Junior 4-H Club for 18 years (1996-2014). Trademarks of her 4-H Club are community service and learning activities. She instills in youth that everyone has something to contribute to their club, community, country and world. Some of the notable projects include “I Can Pull a Tab” aluminum can pull tab collection for Winn cancer patients and the Ronald McDonald House.
State 4-H Office. Year Inducted: 2014. Terril Faul’s Extension career began in 1970 when he was appointed 4-H agent in Vermilion Parish. After five months of service he entered the Army and served in Vietnam. Upon his return he was assigned to Avoyelles Parish but transferred back to Vermilion after 18 months. Some of his most notable accomplishments were the expansion of the overall 4-H program and the livestock program.
Parish: DeSoto/Caddo. Year Inducted: 2014. “Momma Lynn” Farrar, as she is affectionately known, has a special love for 4-H since she became a club member in 1957. She has a special interest in small livestock projects because they are more financially friendly and accessible to youth. Her passion is poultry, and she has worked with youth and new agents throughout the Northwest Region.
Iberville Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. Pete Miranda has been involved in the 4-H program since 1928 when he became a club member. All three of his children were 4-H members as well. He has served the program on advisory boards and councils and as a livestock project leader with the horse, dairy and poultry programs. He was instrumental in establishing the Mike Zito Multi-Purpose Facility in Iberville Parish where parish livestock events are held.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. Since 1982, Randy Stutes has volunteered in almost every aspect of the Vermilion Parish 4-H program, including project leader, 4-H Foundation and Advisory Board member, judge and chaperone. He has served as chairman of the Extension Service Leadership Advisory Council and vice president of the Acadiana District 4-H Livestock Show Board.