Vermilion Parish
Vermilion Parish
Vermilion Parish
Vermilion Parish
Vermilion Parish
Vermilion Parish.
A former 4-H member, Mrs. Simon has served many roles throughout her 17 years as a 4-H volunteer.
Mrs. Claudette Broussard’s involvement in 4-H began in 1962 when she was a 4-H’er herself.
Since 1983, Mr. Emile has provided continuous support to Vermilion Parish 4-H livestock and horticulture programs.
Calvin A. LeBouef, Vermilion parish, inducted into the Louisiana Hall of Fame 2015
Richard D. Hebert, Vermilion Parish, inducted into Hall of Fame 2015
Mrs. Gwen has been a dedicated 4-H volunteer in Vermilion parish for 18 plus years.
Troy Landry Mouton has served Vermilion Parish since 2000.
Sue Hebert has been involved with 4-H since 1965 when she became a club member in Vermilion Parish for 10 years.
Vermillion Parish. Year Inducted: 2016. Mr. Michael Dartez has spent 18 years as a vital member of the 4-H Program.
Vermillion Parish. Year Inducted: 2016. Mrs. Rita Marceaux has been a contributing member of the Vermilion 4-H Program for over 36 years.
Vermilion Parish (deceased). Year Inducted: 2014. For 39 years, Johnny Broussard was involved in the 4-H program as a member and livestock leader. As a member, he exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull at LSU and participated in the State 4-H Short Course Meat Identification and Poultry Judging contests.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2008. James Baudoin was hired as a 4-H agent in 1935 to help youth after the Depression. He started working in Vermilion Parish in 1938 and is credited with starting the 4-H handicraft project. He also established a 4-H safety program for rural youth. A parish award is made annually in his honor to recognize outstanding senior 4-H members
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2008. Charles Dill Sr. was a charter member of the Vermilion Parish 4-H Foundation. He helped the foundation reach its $100,000 goal. He established a parish speech contest and helped gain approval for a statewide tax to build a parish office and livestock facility.
Vermilion Parish. Year inducted: 2014. Ann Langlinais has a 4-H background as a member, parent, organizational and project leader, 4-H Foundation Board Chairman, parish advisory committee member, SW Region LSU AgCenter Leadership Council member and 4-H Trail Ride hostess. As a six-year club member in Kaplan, she excelled in food demonstrations.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2012. For 25 years, Jeffrey J. Faulk Sr. donated his time to drive a school bus to take 4-H’ers to Short Course, camps and out-of-state trips. As a livestock leader, he transported animals, contacted buyers and donors, and built and donated sheep pens and cattle ties.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2008. Virgie Foreman has been an outstanding volunteer for more than 50 years. She was a charter member of the Vermilion 4-H Foundation and served as its adviser. Her contributions helped establish scholarships for students majoring in agriculture or home economics.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2012. Lola Potier has been a member of the 4-H community for more than 56 years (1955-2012) as a member, agent, volunteer leader, 4-H Foundation and advisory committee member and parent. She served as a 4-H agent for nine years, returned to school and became a classroom teacher. Upon her return to the classroom, she became an organizational leader at E. Broussard and FIEB Elementary school.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2009. Nancy W. Marceaux of Vermilion Parish has served as an organizational leader at Kaplan High School for 30 years. She was named State 4-H Alumni winner in 1999. She has been an active member in the parish 4-H Advisory Committee, serving as chairman for five years. All four of her children were active in 4-H and are now serving as adult volunteers.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2014. Since 1982, Randy Stutes has volunteered in almost every aspect of the Vermilion Parish 4-H program, including project leader, 4-H Foundation and Advisory Board member, judge and chaperone. He has served as chairman of the Extension Service Leadership Advisory Council and vice president of the Acadiana District 4-H Livestock Show Board.
Vermilion Parish. Year Inducted: 2010. Otis J. Stelly Sr. (deceased), affectionately known as “Big O” to many youth and adults in Vermilion Parish, served as a volunteer, leader, buyer and 4-H Foundation Board member for 25 years during 1974-1999.