Sandra Brumley
Caddo Parish
Year Inducted 2014
Sandra Brumley became immersed as a Caddo Parish 4-H volunteer leader when her son and daughter joined the group and wanted to show chickens and livestock 18 years ago. Sandra soon became involved in the Caddo Parish Fair as a board member, poultry superintendent and eventually served as Parish Fair Superintendent for 10 years. She became more involved in her children’s local club and began serving as a key organizational leader, a position she continues today. She has impacted the lives of hundreds of youth through clinics, workshops and community service projects. Sandra has recruited and mentored members and families in the livestock program, offering guidance in purchasing, caring for and tagging animals for show. As a leader, she organizes and coordinates community service projects throughout the year. One annual service tradition is making “Santa Cans” for a local nursing home. Youth decorate the cans and then fill them with personal hygiene items for the elderly. Sandra encourages completion of projects and portfolios and rewards members with a fun field trip. Sandra has attended the Southeast Regional 4-H Leader Conference in Arkansas and the Southern Regional Leader Conference at Rock Eagle. She is a state 4-H Attorney General Livestock Leader winner and a 2013 Adult Volunteer Leader Award winner.