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Arrow.PNG thumbnailThe United States faces a shortage of students entering science, technology, engineering and mathematics related fields.


4-H recognized this deficiency and created the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) mandate to increase focus on science in 4-H programs.

The Louisiana 4-H Youth Development Program offers youth opportunities to develop skills and interests in STEM through hands-on demonstrations, problem solving, personal in-depth projects and career exploration. All programs strive to develop a love of learning and curiosity in youth.


Youth Leadership

The Louisiana 4-H STEM Board is a youth leadership development opportunity for high-school youth that have an interest in learning about and developing STEM programing.

Board highlights include planning and hosting Camp Lagniappe - a STEM-focused camp for the youth of military families, and co-planning and co-hosting the Louisiana Outdoor Science and Technology (LOST) Camp.

For more information, contact Brian Gautreau.

The Louisiana 4-H Fashion Board helps members interested in fashion-fun activities, in pursuing fashion careers, and in becoming entrepreneurs. Workshops, fashion sketching, field trips, and modeling are possible in addition to learning sewing techniques that bring creativity and function together.

  • Learn about fibers and fabrics while designing and sewing your own style.
  • Learn how to recognize quality in clothing and become wise consumer shoppers.
  • Members plan and lead fun activities at their meetings, organize events such as fashion shows and conduct sewing camps for younger members. It’s leadership and fun rolled into one fashionable package!

For more information, contact Jeannie Crnkovic.

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The 2024 4-H STEM Challenge, Food for Thought, is now available!

The Wetland Ambassadors Team works to bring awareness to the state’s wetlands and the threats they face. Team members spend the year developing coastal and environmental literacy and professional skills as they give presentations, lead activities, and exhibit at major events in their communities and the state.

Ambassadors attend four seasonal retreats where they grow through activities and hands-on experiences in wetland ecology and natural resources, as well as develop skills such as public speaking. The team also gets the chance to explore different career options by interacting with wetland-related professionals such as agents and biologists with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Membership in this group is available to 4-H members in grades 9 – 12 statewide. For more information, contact Catherine Fox at cfox@agcenter.lsu.edu.

The Louisiana 4-H Livestock Ambassador program provides an opportunity for 4-H youth in grades 9 to 12 to be empowered with knowledge of the livestock industry in order to serve as strong advocates for agriculture, mentors for younger 4-H members with livestock projects, and consumer educators in the importance of agricultural across our state and country.

For more information, contact Hannah Devall.


SeaPerch in an innovative underwater robotics program that equips students, educators, and parents with the resources they need to build an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in an in- or out-of-school setting.

The 2025 Louisiana 4-H SeaPerch Competition will be announced soon! Please visit the SeaPerch Challenge page for more information.

Contact Brian Gautreau for more information.

Louisiana 4-H offers a Robotics Contest each year at 4-H University. Winners of this contest are awarded a trip to the 4-H Ignite Conference in Washington, D.C.

The Louisiana 4-H Youth Wetlands Education and Outreach Program engages Louisiana youth in the fight against wetland loss. Curriculum for grades 3 - 12, an online learning platform, material resources, and program opportunities are provided to educators and youth.

The program's goal is for youth to understand the critical importance of inland and coastal wetland habitats and the need to prevent further losses through an organized educational program of outreach, empowerment and advocacy.

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Esports combines video games and competition to provide youth with scholastic, career, personal, and team development opportunities.

Louisiana 4-H offers an esports competition each year at 4-H University. Winners of this contest are awarded a trip to the 4-H Ignite Conference in Washington, D.C.

Louisiana 4-H also hosts regional esports matches for players looking to enter the world of esports.

For more information, contact Brian Gautreau.


Marsh Maneuvers is an immersive education program focused on increasing the knowledge, skills, and motivations of grades 9-12 youth toward coastal ecology and biology. This program takes place over four weeks during the summer, with a new group of 4-H students participating in each four-day session. Since 1989, over 1700 students have participated in the program.

Marsh Maneuvers is an educational program of the LSU AgCenter in cooperation with the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and McIlhenny Co.

For more information, contact Catherine Fox.

4-H offers middle school students the opportunity to have fun with science by attending the annual 4-H LOST (Louisiana Outdoor Science and Technology) Camp. This educational camp is a 4-day, 3-night adventure for 7th-8th graders. Campers enjoy interactive recreational activities such as swimming, canoeing/kayaking, archery, volleyball, dancing, arts and crafts, and much more. While at 4-H LOST Camp, campers select 3 educational tracks in which they participate in fun activities each morning that are focused on that area. The tracks include videography, wetlands, outdoor adventures, STEM, and more! In the evening, campers enjoy free time, which includes hanging out with new friends at the dance, movies, swimming pool, or arts and crafts building.

Attending LOST Camp is a great way to meet new friends from across the state of Louisiana. Campers sleep in large, air conditioned cabins at the Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center in Pollock, Louisiana.

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
