All workers should be trained to identify the signs of animal intrusion

All workers should be trained to identify the signs of animal intrusion, such as downed fences, crop damage, or presence of fecal material, and report any events to the supervisor while working on the farm. This is important because workers are usually in the field more often and are able to assess more fields than one person (owner or manager) alone.

Training should include:

  • How to identify signs of wildlife intrusion (animal tracks, damaged product, downed fences, and the presence of fecal material)
  • To whom they should report significant wildlife activity
  • What actions to take (e.g., not harvest product, establish buffer zones, proper removal of affected product, cleaning and sanitation of tools/equipment and hands)
  • What should be documented and which recordkeeping logs need to be filled out

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5/16/2015 1:37:06 AM
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