Is each container that is sold by your farm labeled with your name, city, and state?
Does the lot number identify the worker(s) involved in harvesting the lot?
Use this opportunity to assess weakness in your traceability
A mock recall helps you test your traceability system
Include the lot number on all invoices to customers
The lot number should identify the workers involved in harvesting and packing
The lot number should identify that harvest and packing date for each crop
Traceability is a system in which fruits and vegetables can be traced from the field to the buyer by lot through unique codes
The lot number should identify the specific field in which the crop was grown
The lot number should also identify crop information
Final question in the Traceability Decision Tree
Can you successfully trace produce identified in the mock recall from your fields to the buyer?
Have you conducted a mock recall?
Can your lot number be traced forward to the buyer?
Can the lot number identify the field from which the lot was harvested?
Does the lot number identify the harvest and packing dates?
Every sellable container needs to be labeled with the farm name
Sample Forms for the Traceability Decision Tree
Use this opportunity to assess weakness in your traceability
A mock recall helps you test your traceability system
Include the lot number on all invoices to customers
The lot number should identify the workers involved in harvesting and packing
The lot number should identify that harvest and packing date for each crop
The lot number should identify the specific field in which the crop was grown
The lot number should also identify crop information
Can the lot number identify the field from which the lot was harvested?
All produce containers leaving the farm should contain a lot number.
Every sellable container needs to be labeled with the farm name
Final question in the Traceability Decision Tree
State the following statements in your food safety plan
State the following statements in your food safety plan
Can you successfully trace produce identified in the mock recall from your fields to the buyer?
Have you conducted a mock recall?
Can your lot number be traced forward to the buyer?
Does the lot number identify the worker(s) involved in harvesting the lot?
Can the lot number identify the field from which the lot was harvested?
Does the lot number identify the crop and type?
Is each container that is sold by your farm labeled with a lot number?
Is each container that is sold by your farm labeled with your name, city, and state?