To reduce risks, manure piles should be physically contained and covered to protect them from rainfall and wind
A soil amendment refers to any material added to the soil to improve its physical or chemical properties
Utilize the Soil Amendment Application Log for your food safety plan
Best practice is to cover and store the compost as far away as possible from water sources and produce fields
If you store finished or curing compost on your farm, it should be covered to prevent recontamination of the pile
Composting manure reduces food safety risks by reducing the likelihood that pathogens are present
If you get your compost from a supplier, ask for documentation
Go to Question 16
Raw manure storage areas should be a safe distance away from the surface water source
Manure storage areas can leach pathogens into the soil, wells, and other water sources
Manure should not be close to production areas
Manure applied to fields that are water saturated or prone to flooding can leach and contaminate surrounding production areas and water sources
Raw manure contains pathogens that can contaminate fresh produce
State in plan "No raw animal manure is used on the farm"
Storage facilities should be inspected weekly to check for spills to reduce risks of chemical contamination
Produce can be contaminated if handled or stored near fertilizer
State in your plan that no inorganic fertilizer is used on the farm
Final question for Soil Amendments
Recordkeeping is critical to keeping track of soil amendment applications
Cover and store the compost as far away as possible from water sources and produce fields
Finished compost should be covered to prevent recontamination of the pile
Composting manure reduces food safety risks by reducing the likelihood that pathogens are present
If you get your compost from a supplier, ask for documentation
Do you compost manure on your farm?
Raw manure storage areas near surface water can result in water contamination
Be sure the well is properly constructed and capped to reduce risks of well contamination
If manure is close to production areas, there is a risk that it will contaminate produce
Manure piles should be physically contained and covered to protect them from rainfall and wind
Manure applied to fields that are water saturated can leach and contaminate surrounding production areas
Raw manure contains pathogens that can contaminate fresh produce
Raw manure presents a safety risk
Storage facilities should be inspected weekly
Produce can be contaminated if handled or stored near fertilizer
A soil amendment refers to any material added to the soil to improve its physical or chemical properties