Dr. Achyut Adhikari

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Dr. Adhikari earned his Ph.D. degree in Food Science with an emphasis on Food Microbiology from the Washington State University. Currently, he is leading his food safety research group at Louisiana State University.

Manish Thapaliya

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Manish earned his M.Sc. in Microbiology with a Food Microbiology specialization from Tribhuvan University in 2007/08, Nepal. His research during his M.Sc. focused on antibiotic residue (Penicillin and Sulfonamide) in market milk. After completing his M.Sc. degree, he worked as instructor of food microbiology and food safety at different colleges. He also worked as National food quality and safety specialist in European Union funded Trade and Private Sector Development Project from 2015 to 2019 and as Senior Technical Specialist-Food for The Fleming Fund Country Grant Nepal from January 2021 to April 2021. He joined LSU in summer 2021 and is currently pursuing his PhD under Dr. Adhikari.

Aakankshya Dhakal

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Aakankshya earned her B.Tech in Biotechnology from VIT University, India in 2022. Her research during her undergrad was focused on Qualitative, quantitative, and microbial analysis of traditionally fermented food of Nepal. She is currently pursuing her M.Sc degree in Food Science and Technology at Louisiana State University.

Jyoti Aryal

Jyoti completed her B.Sc. in Food Technology from Tribhuvan University, Nepal, in 2018, and earned her master's in Food Science and Technology from Louisiana State University in 2021. During her master's, she worked on determining the attachment strength of bacteria to the bell pepper surface and the effect of contact time on antimicrobial efficacy when applied to fresh produce. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in Food Science and Technology at LSU. Her research focuses on understanding the pathogens' stress adaptation, survival, and gene expression under environmental and processing conditions. In addition to her research, she enjoys working closely with growers and producers in food safety extension and outreach programs.

Ivannova Lituma

Ivannova earned her B.Sc in Food Science and Technology from Zamorano University, Honduras in 2020 and her M.S. in Nutrition and Food Sciences from LSU in 2023. She completed an internship in Dr. Adhikari´s lab during her senior year of undergraduate studies. In her internship, she worked on evaluating the effectiveness of air bubbles during washing to dislodge microorganisms from bell peppers and cucumbers. Additionally, she contributed to starting a farm worker hygene training provided in Spanish. Currently she is a PhD student in the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences at Louisiana State University. Her research focuses on hydroponyc food safety mainly in the evaluation of techniques to enhance the food safety of hydroponic production systems. She is also involved in the laboratory’s extension outreach activities

Elisa Guardado

Elisa Guardado.Elisa completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, at the Universidad Nacional de Agricultura (UNAG) in Honduras. Her undergraduate research consisted of developing a food safety plan for pasteurized milk production. She joined Adhikari’s Food Safety Laboratory in the Spring of 2023. Her research interests are focused on the effect of biological soil amendments of animal origin on the Food Safety risk and quality of sweet potatoes. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology at Louisiana State University.

Sheetal Jha

Sheetal completed her Bachelor's and Master’s in Pharmaceutical technology from India. Following graduation, she went on to earn a second M.S. degree in Dairy and Food Science from South Dakota State University in 2023. Her research interests are focused on developing a natural bio-sanitizer for the mitigation of biofilm from food contact surfaces, specifically separation membranes. Additionally, Sheetal has volunteered as a lab manager and lab safety committee member in the dairy microbiology lab at SDSU. She is currently working towards her Ph.D. in the Department of Food Science and Technology at Louisiana State University, starting in fall 2023.

Kevin Castellanos

Kevin Castellanos is an undergraduate research scholar from Zamorano University. He assists the M.S. and PhD students in their research. He is also involved in the laboratory’s extension outreach activities. He is currently working in a project evaluating the efficacy of silver nanoparticles solution against E. coli O157:H7 while washing cucumbers and bell peppers.

Juan Moreira

Graduated in May 2023
Ph.D in Food Science and Technology

Priyanka Gupta

Postdoctoral Scholar

Daniel Leiva

2022 Intern
Zamorano Agricultural University

Janny Mendoza

Graduated in August 2022
Ph.D in Food Science and Technology

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Karuna Kharel

Graduated in May 2022
Ph.D in Food Science and Technology

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Elżbieta Hać-Szymańczuk

Warsaw University of Life Sciences Visiting Faculty

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Arissara Phosanam

Kasetsart University, Thailand Visiting Faculty

Abril Benitez

Graduated in December 2021
M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology

Yuqiao Jin

Research Scientist at Illinois Institute of Technology

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Cameron Cason

Graduated in Summer 2019
M.Sc in Food Science

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Briana Burke

Extension Specialist

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Daniela Turcios Zelaya

Extension Specialist
Farm Worker Trainer and Extension Poster Artist

VijayJPGDr. Vijay Chhetri

Graduated in Summer 2019
Ph.D. in Food Science
2019 Post-Doc

LuuJPG Phillip Luu

Graduated in Spring 2019
M.Sc in Food Science

Yu Han

2018-2019 Visiting Scholar
Heze Bureau of Agriculture Heze, Shandong province, China

SarangjpgDr. Sarang Dilip Pophaly

2018 Visiting Scholar
Assistant Professor in Dairy Microbiology at CGKV, Raipur Chhattisgarh, India

KrantiJupdPGjpgDr. V Kranti Yemmireddy

2017-2018 Post-Doc
ASST professor, University of Texas at Rio Grande

David Huynh

Undergraduate worker

CasonJPG Dr. Debanjana Bhattacharya

2018-2019 Visiting Scholar
Jadavpur University, India

Andrea Camas

2017-2018 Intern,
M.Sc. ENAE business school

Andrea Suazo

2018 Undergraduate Intern
Zamorano Agricultural University

Erika Mera

2018 Undergraduate Intern
Zamorano Agricultural University

Brett Riviere

Graduated in May 2017
B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology
Quality Control Supervisor, Sanderson Farms

XimenajpgXimena Diaz

2017 Undergraduate Intern Zamorano Agricultural University

EstradaJPGKatheryn J. P. Estrada

Graduated in Fall 2016
M.Sc. in Food Science

Dr. Namrata Karki

Formulation Engineer, Senior research scientist, Provident Nutraceuticals

VieirajpgThais Do Carmo Vieira

2015 Intern
Brazilian Sci Scholar Program

Alejandro Calvopina

2016 Intern
Zamorano Agricultural University

EstradaJPGThao T.H. Nguyen

2016 Norman E.Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program USDA

Jorge Luis Calvo C.

2016 Intern
Zamorano Agricultural University

Prasiddha Karki

2017 Summer worker
Website Developer

Hannah Robalino

2023 Intern
Zamorano Agricultural University

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