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(01/22/25) The LSU AgCenter Food Innovation Institute (FOODii) and the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences presents Unlocking the Secrets of Food Sciences.
(08/22/24) Bailey and Harper Galloway and their mom started their own gourmet popcorn business, Posh Pop with the help of FOODii.
(04/02/24) LSU AgCenter nutrition and community health agent Becky Gautreaux has been named 2024 Outstanding Dietitian of the Year.
Are your meals at the end of the month as good as they are at the beginning? Or do your food dollars run out before the month is over? Learning to plan your menus and shop only for what you need will help you have good food throughout the month. You will also save both money and time!
Eatsmart Recipes - Garden Salad
Baked Apple
As a tool for both managing weight and improving health markers, intermittent fasting has become a very popular diet plan among adults in the U.S.
While food pantries share the common goal of addressing food insecurity in communities, they can vary widely in terms of operation, food and services provided,
This lesson will help you to better understand the Nutrition Facts label. You will learn how to use it to make healthier choices in the supermarket.
Dietary Guidelines provide science-based advice to promote health and reduce risk for chronic diseases through diet and physical activity. The guidelines target healthy people two years of age and older living in the United States.
To help you make decisions about eating healthfully, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services has developed “Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans.” The Dietary Guidelines provide recommendations for healthy Americans, children (ages 2 years and older) and adults of any age.
Lesson 1B of the EatSmart Lesson plan provides an overview of weight management.
The use of herbs as alternative medicine is not just for healers anymore. Approximately 16 million adults use herbal products. Increased interest among consumers is causing doctors and scientific researchers to take a closer look at the herbal trend.
Eating more broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits, onions, soybeans and other foods from plants may help to protect you against several chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. And it is not just because of the nutrients they contain. It is more likely because of the chemicals found in these foods -- phytochemicals.
Dietary fiber is called nature's little mermaid. This lesson explains why.
Water is a combination of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. The way these elements are put together makes water a solvent, meaning it can dissolve most nutrients, making them available for the body to use. Water in the body comes mainly from two sources: liquids and foods. This article tells how important water is and what it does in the body.
This lesson teaches about the importance of minerals in the diet.
In this lesson, you will learn about the two major types of vitamins, the fat-soluble and water-soluble. You will learn how each vitamin functions in your body and the symptoms of deficiency and over-consumption (toxicity). You will learn which foods are the best sources of vitamins and the Recommended Dietary Allowance for each. This lesson will discuss vitamin supplements. This information will help you plan a healthy diet, including all necessary vitamins and nutrients.
This lesson teaches the role and importance of fat in the diet.
Proteins have something to do with life and vitality because they are a necessary component of every cell. Proteins are necessary for a person to grow and to fight infection and disease.
Lesson 1 Part C of the EatSmart lesson plan
The USDA MyPlate is a tool designed to promote the concepts of variety, moderation and balance in the diet.
EatSmart Lesson 1 D of the lesson plan.
In this lesson, you will learn why everyone needs milk and milk products in their diet, how to choose among the different types of milk and how to deal with lactose intolerance.
The USDA Food Guide is a tool designed to promote the concepts of variety, moderation and balance in the diet.
The USDA Food Guide is a tool designed to promote the concepts of variety, moderation and balance in the diet.
The USDA Food Guide is a tool designed to promote the concepts of variety, moderation and balance in the diet.
Carbohydrates give us energy. We need energy to do everything we do, whether we are thinking about it or not, like going for a walk, working or sleeping.
Brief overview and assessment of the ketogenic diet
This lesson describes the importance of dairy products in the diet.
If you’ve pledged to focus on your health in the new year, exercising your mind and body in the great outdoors is a great way to meet your goal!
A lesson on carbohydrates, their metabolism and effects.
Tips to incorporate dairy foods into your family's diet. Information provided by 3-A-Day and the American Dairy Association. (PDF Format Only)
Whether you eat ground meat in a hamburger or in other dishes such as meat loaf or a casserole, follow the ground beef food safety rules in this fact sheet. (PDF Format Only)
Use these suggestions to include foods from at least three food groups in your child's lunch. (PDF Format Only)
Recipes designed for people with diabetes.
EatSmart Recipes - Breakfast Burrito
Eatsmart Recipes - Beef-Macaroni Casserole
Eatsmart Recipes - Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Eat Smart Recipes - Biscuits
A healthy recipe for a popular favorite -- taco salad.
Eatsmart Recipes - Macaroni & Cheese
Eatsmart Recipes - Pudding
EatSmart Recipes - Cheese Toast
EatSmart Recipe for making Copper Pennies using carrots, bell peppers, and other healthy ingredients.
Eatsmart Recipes - Tuna Croquettes
This EatSmart Recipe tells you how to prepare Eggs-in-the-Bread.
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8. (PDF Format Only)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8. (PDF Format Only)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8. (PDF Format Only)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8. (PDF Format Only)
Rules of grocery shopping, how to get nutrients from your snacks, how to grow your own potatoes and a recipe for toasted pumpkin seeds are included. (PDF Format Only)
You should eat dairy foods three times a day. Word activity and recipe for ice cream included. (PDF Format Only)
Did you know that eating a morning meal does make a difference in how well you do in school? (PDF Format Only)
Why do we need bones? How can bones be strong enough to carry your weight, yet light enough not to slow you down? (PDF Format Only)
Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who include more of these foods are less likely to have a risk of chronic diseases. (PDF Format Only)
Calcium is the most important mineral in your body. It is important during growing years for bone growth. As we get older, it helps keep our bones strong. Use these tips to get three cups of milk or the equivalent in your diet daily. (PDF Format Only)
People who eat breakfast think better, feel peppier, have better attitudes toward school or work and miss fewer days. (PDF Format Only)
Adults need at least 2 cups of fruit daily. Use these tips to get more fruit in your diet. (PDF Format Only)
It can be quite an adventure to shop the cereal aisle! With a little know-how, you can discover cereals that are high in fiber, nutrients and phytochemicals. (PDF Format Only)
Have you ever had a month when you ran out of food money? Careful planning and shopping can help you buy more food with the dollars you have to spend. Use these tips so you and your family can get the nutrition you need to be healthy. (PDF Format Only)
Eating on the go can be a challenge if you're trying to make smart choices. This fact sheet provides information to help you find healthier fast foods or snacks, including tips on foods to eat more often, foods to avoid and snacks you can take along. It also stresses reading the nutrition information label when selecting snacks. (PDF Format Only)
Walking briskly can be a great exercise. You don’t have to worry too much about injuries, and walking can fit into almost any schedule. Sample 12-week walking program included. (PDF Format Only)
Use this food list as a guide to plan for a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and meat and beans. (PDF Format Only)
When foods don't have a label, it's difficult to figure out how much to buy. Use this buying guide as a reference. Use the storage guide for keeping the foods you buy fresh and safe. Save money by managing your refrigerator and pantry. (PDF Format Only)
Pregnancy is a very special event leading to a new life. The care and feeding of your baby begins the moment he or she is conceived. An unborn baby totally depends on you for everything. The best way to care for your developing baby is to care for yourself. (PDF Format Only)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8. (PDF Format Only)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program from the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5-8. Learn more about how breakfast can get you off to a smart start in this publication. (PDF Format Only)
Smart Choices Youth is a community nutrition education program of the LSU AgCenter for Grades 5 – 8. (PDF Format Only)
Tips for cutting down on fat and cholesterol. (PDF Format Only)
Follow these guidelines to fix it fast. (PDF Format Only)
This chart helps you convert ounces to teaspoons, teaspoons to tablespoons, cups to pints or quarts, etc. (PDF Format Only)
Follow the USDA Dietary Guidelines to improve your quality of life and to have a more productive life. (PDF format only)
Research continues to indicate it’s better to be shaped like a pear than an apple. Fat pattern seems to be more important than the degree of fatness. Use this factsheet to help you determine your risk factors. (PDF format only)
You'll feel better and have more energy. (PDF format only)
What is whole white wheat? How much is an ounce of whole grains? What's the difference betweeen whole grains and enriched grains? Find these answers and more. (PDF Format Only)
Safety tips for the microwave, defrosting foods, refrigerator, food for picnics and eating at a restaurant. (PDF Format Only)
Tips on how to use the nutrition facts label to eat a healthy breakfast. (PDF Format Only)
Food safety tips for packing a safe lunch. Activity sheet also included. (PDF Format Only)
My Grocery List: Use with Food Intake Pattern, Smart Choices Cards, Food List, Buying Guide and Menu Planner. (PDF Format Only)
Sample meal planner for a family of 5 for 1 week. (PDF Format Only)
Follow these rules to be a smart shopper. (PDF Format Only)
A list of foods that cost a dollar or less in Louisiana in 2007. (PDF Format Only)
Help your child learn good eating habits that will last a lifetime. (PDF Format Only)
Food safety tips for fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat, poultry, fish and eggs. (PDF Format Only)
Use this chart of USDA's recommended safe minimum internal terperatures to prepare your foods safely. (PDF Format Only)
Children should be physically active for 60 minutes every day -- or almost every day. Use these tips to help you get moving. (PDF Format Only)
Think healthy treats this Halloween and offer a variety of great snacks and special treats to visitors.
Food science has led us to safer canning techniques and better quality canned goods. Home canning can be a cost-saving way to preserve food. If you have the time, canning home-grown food may save you half the cost of retail canned goods
Information about the importance of hand-washing and how to do it effectively.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 97% of foodborne illnesses could be prevented by simply washing hands and improving food handling practices. Everyone who handles food needs to know safe food-handling practices.
One in eight Americans is 65 years of age or older. This number is growing and will continue to do so with the aging of the baby boomers. The oldest old, people at least 85 years of age, is the fastest-growing segment of America's senior population.You will learn the importance of good nutrition in helping the elderly to remain independent, maintain their quality of life and prevent or reduce the effects of age-related diseases.
The phrase "you are what you eat" is sometimes hard for teenagers to keep in mind. This is probably because adolescents (teenagers) in America are faced every day with so many choices that can affect their health in the present and in the future.
In this lesson you will learn about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate and how they apply to young children. You will learn what to expect during each stage of the preschool years and tips to make these stages easier on both you and your child. You will also learn about issues such as fast food, healthy weights for young children and exercise.
Pregnancy and motherhood are such exciting times in a woman's life! Most women want to do everything they possibly can to ensure that the new baby is happy and healthy. Some aspects of a baby's health can be determined just by the mother's diet. It is so important for a pregnant woman to maintain her health and to eat a nutritious diet for herself and her baby.
Did you ever have a 24-hour bug? Flu-like symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps that last only a day or less are often from a food-borne illness. Harmful bacteria (germs) can be in food. Proper food handling can keep food safe. The first step in understanding food-borne illness is to learn how and why disease-causing bacteria spread. Then you are better able to prevent food-borne illness.
An estimated 35% of cancer deaths are associated with what we eat. This lesson will give you a foundation for action regarding what you should eat and other healthy lifestyle behaviors that you can control. The action you take could lead to your not getting cancer. You will learn what you can do now and for the rest of your life to reduce your cancer risk.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. This lesson focuses on the steps you can take to prevent heart disease and stroke.