Structured wiring refers to a system that integrates all the communications wiring in your home and treats it as one wiring system, usually with a “home run” layout of cabling from a central control station to each jack or device. This can include broadband wiring for a home computer network, telephone, video, audio, alarms, remote or central control of appliances, lighting and other types of automation. The installed cost may range from approximately $1 per square foot of living area for a basic system to more than $10 per square foot for a lavish system.
Home systems often use a Category 5 (or better) cable for voice and data and RG6 coaxial cable for video. Fiber optic cable is also available for those who seek especially high capacity. These cables can be bundled in a single multi-cable.
Structured wiring, upgradeable packages and accessible installations can make a home adaptable to advances in telecommunications and automation without major renovation. Special baseboard and crown moldings designed to route cabling behind it are available.
Energy management, diagnostic, hazard warning, security systems, automatic or remote control lighting, and assistive technologies can be integrated for central control. A home office equipped with wide-bandwidth lines could enable family member to telecommute some or all days of the week, avoiding commutes to the workplace.