Checklist for Energy Efficiency

Andre Olagues, Reichel, Claudette H.

Energy Star Home

___  Certified Energy Star Home

Design for the Climate

Landscaping for energy savings:

___  Deciduous trees shade W, SW, E and SE sides of house

___  Large shrubs or trellis with vines on W side

___  Groundcover, mulch near house to reduce reflected heat

___  Little unshaded pavement near house, none under windows

___  Evergreen shrubs and trees grouped as windbreak on N side

Overall house design:

___  Compact building layout to minimize total surface area

___  Open planning, min. corridor area (space-efficient design)

___  Kitchen, laundry rooms are not on W side

___  Living areas, kitchen have N or S windows

___  Porches, patios, etc. on N & S sides (unconditioned living space)

House design elements to minimize solar heat gain:

___  More wall area faces within 20° of due S and N

___  W-facing glass < 2% of floor area

___  E-facing glass < 3% of floor area

___  2-ft. or larger overhangs

___  All W, E and S glass shaded

___  Garage/carport on W or E side of house (blocking sun)

___  No skylights (except light tubes)

___  Reflective roofing (min. 0.25 solar reflectance)

___  Light-color brick or siding

Design elements for passive solar winter benefits:

___  South overhangs sized or louvered for summer shade and winter sun

___  Thermal mass flooring along S glass

___  S-facing sunroom with mass floor, walls

House design elements for mild seasons:

___  Operable windows placed for cross ventilation

___  Porch open on three sides or in breezeway


___  Energy Star- or NFRC-labeled windows, whole units rated at:

___  < 0.40 SHGC (solar heat gain coefficient)

___  < 0.30 AL; prefer 0.20 (air leakage)

___  < 0.65 U-factor in S La.; 0.40 in N La. (heat conduction)

___  > 0.50 VT (visible light transmittance)

___  Or, spectrally selective, Southern-climate low-e, insulated units

___  All W and E glass has 0.40 SHGC or shade screens

___  If passive solar, S-facing glass is high solar gain low-e

___  For daylighting, 0.80 VT on N and S if shaded

Tight Construction (Air Sealing)

___  Exterior air barrier

___  Airtight Drywall Approach interior air barrier

___  Sealed, airtight floor system

___  All hidden bypasses sealed from attic and crawl space air

___  Bottom plate of exterior walls sealed to foundation

___  Band joists between floors sealed

___  All penetrations in building envelope sealed

___  Airtight electrical boxes (or sealed by hand)

___  Low-infiltration windows and doors

___  Fireplace: sealed from attic, outside air duct, tight damper, glass doors

___  Weatherstripped, insulated attic access (or in unconditioned area)

___  No recessed lights or only airtight IC type fixtures used

___  Tight dampers, sealed housings on exhaust and inlet vents (exhaust not vented into attic)

Insulation Systems with Good “Whole Wall” R-Values

___  Continuous insulation surrounding all conditioned space (except slab floor)

Recommended Insulation Material R-values:

___  Attic: R 30-38 in S La.; 38-49 in N La.

___  Cathedral ceiling: R 30-38 in S La.; R 38 in N La.

___  Wood frame walls: R 13-19 in S La.; R 18-19 in N La.

___  Concrete or masonry walls: R 11-13 on interior side (must be permeable)

___  Band joist: R 13-19

___  Floor over unconditioned space: R 13-19 in S La.; R-19-25 in N La

___  Steel frame: R 19-32 walls; R-49 attic, R-19-25 raised floor (must include insulating sheathing)

Elements of Insulation System:

___  Insulation installed without gaps, voids and compressions

___  Radiant barrier under roof decking (if HVAC in attic and non-reflective roofing)

___  Building/insulation system with continuous coverage (thermal envelope)

___  Insulation type with extra advantages (see Ref. Guide)

___  Roof framing allows full insulation above exterior walls

___  Insulated window and door headers

___  Insulated corners and T-wall intersections

___  Insulated attic access door (R 19)

___  All insulated doors (R 5-15)

___  All glass low-e insulated; nonconductive framing

HVAC - Efficient Cooling and Heating

Energy Star-labeled cooling and heating equipment:

___  Air conditioner: > SEER 13

___  Gas furnace: > AFUE 0.90 (0.80 is cost effective in La.)

___  Heat pump (air source): > SEER 13, > HSPF 8.0

___  Geothermal heat pump: EER 14.1, COP 3.3

___  Equipment is performance tested

Alternatives with special advantages:

___  Geothermal heat pump with water heating

___  Variable-speed air conditioner or heat pump

___  Integrated gas space and water heating system

___  Manual J sizing (not oversized)

___  Sensible heat fraction < 0.70 SHF (min. 30% dehumidification)

___  Zoned heating/cooling (zone control system or multiple units)

___  Programmable thermostats

___  Outdoor thermostat on heat pump

___  Heat pump has gas back-up heat

___  Compressor on N or E side of house

Minimized duct losses:

___  Ducts and air handler (AH) within conditioned space (inside insulation “envelope”)

___  In sealed soffit or dropped ceiling, AH in closet

___  Or, in cathedralized (semi-conditioned) attic

___  Or, in insulated, sealed enclosure above ceiling

___  Supply ducts, AH and all connections sealed with mastic

___  Duct insulation (R-8 if not in conditioned space)

___  Sealed return plenum or duct

___  Manual D duct and return design

___  Airflow measured and balanced

___  Central supply trunk (not octopus layout)

___  Duct runs and registers not extended to exterior walls

___  Air returns, transfer grilles or transoms for all BR’s

___  Tested duct leakage < 5% (if not in conditioned space)

Other Efficient HVAC equipment (see Healthy/IAQ for Ventilation):

___  Energy Star dehumidifier

___  Energy Star ceiling fans in often-used areas

___  Energy Star quiet exhaust fans (1.5 sones)

Appliances with Low Life-Cycle Cost

___  Energy Star refrigerator, clothes washer, dishwasher

___  Energy Star electronics

___  Efficient dryer, oven, etc. (compare EnergyGuide labels)

___  If well or pool is present, efficient pump

Efficient water-heating system options:

___  Integrated with geothermal heat pump

___  Heat recovery unit on air conditioner compressor

___  Passive solar water heater, SRCC- or FSEC-certified

___  Heat pump water heater (in attic or utility room)

___  Tankless gas water heater

___  >0.62 EF gas water heater

___  >0.92 EF electric water heater

___  Insulated hot water pipes and tank

___  Central location of water heater

Lighting with Fewer Watts, Less Heat

___  High-color fluorescent lighting throughout

___  Tubes, electronic ballast in attractive built-ins

___  Compact fluorescents

___  High-efficiency outdoor lighting

___  Photovoltaic lights

___  Outdoor fluorescents

___  High-pressure sodium or metal halide

___  Controlled, diffuse daylighting

___  0.8 VT N and shaded S glass

___  Light tubes

___  Light color scheme interiors

___  motion or photo sensors

9/22/2007 3:48:36 AM
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