Louisiana FloodMaps Portal

The Base Flood – on the map

View FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) over road maps and aerial photos; get zone, Base Flood Elevation, and contact information for local floodplain officials.

Go to the Maps

Get the Guide to Using FloodMaps

The Base Flood on the ground

Learn how you know what’s In or Out, what it means for construction and financing, how to get the map amended and how to get the best rate on flood insurance.

Get "Mapped OUT of 'the Flood Zone'"

Get "Mapped IN 'the Flood Zone'"

The Base Flood at your house

Use the Scenarios Guide and Scenarios Tool to see what the Base Flood would look like with your ground and base flood elevations and with your foundation style.

Get the Scenarios Guide

Go to the Scenarios Tool

Please report any issues or concerns to FloodMaps@agcenter.lsu.edu.

Flood maps on this site are displayed over Bing maps. The LSU AgCenter FloodMaps system is unique in that it integrates flood risk information with ground elevation data (provided by a service of the US Geological Survey). The system previously integrated Basic Wind Speed (derived from the International Residential Code (IRC). The LSU AgCenter Basic Wind Speed Interactive Map service became unmanageable in 2018, and was suspended, when Louisiana adopted the 2015 IRC (with amendments). The 2015 and later versions of the IRC replaced the 2012 IRC Basic Wind Speed map with the 2015 IRC Ultimate Design Wind Speed (UDWS) map as the wind-speed design criteria for one-to-four family dwellings. The threshold at which site-specific wind design is required is UDWS = 130 mph.

Official Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) can be found for all parishes at the FEMA Map Service Center (MSC) web site. FEMA's MSC Web site is the official source of FIRMettes that can be used for flood insurance and floodplain management purposes.

1/23/2021 4:00:19 PM
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