Information about selecting contractors based primarily on bids received from the contractors to do the work.
Provided is a sample punch list of items that homeowners may want to use as part of developing a project punch list. If you and your contractor disagree about an item on the punch list, a good reference guide to help with your negotiations is National Association of Home Builders’ “Residential Construction Performance Guidelines”.
In this section we talk about drafting a bid specification that potential contractors can use to make offers to perform the work you need done.
View this sample contract to get an idea of the language your contract may include. Source: LouisianaRebuilds, which has transferred to GNO, Inc. (
There are risks and requirements involved in self-contracting. Building your own home almost never ends up costing less than you anticipated. There almost always will be extra costs associated with something that happens as a result of mistakes made, or unforeseen situations that require additional work. The risk can cost you more than what it is worth.
Portal page for section of the web that deals with contracts for construction work and change orders used to change what the contract says.
Portal Page for information on knowing when and how to pay contractors for homebuilding and home restoration work.
This fact sheet summarizes National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulatory requirements concerning coastal construction and provides recommendations for exceeding those requirements. SOURCE: Home Builder's Guide to Coastal Construction Technical Fact Sheet Series (FEMA 499 - 2010 edition): Fact Sheet G 1.2.
In this section we describe the construction process from getting bids, to contracting, to closing out the project.