Site Clearing and Preparation

As you prepare to build, you'll probably be looking at one of three situations. If you've chosen to build in a newly developed subdivision, the preliminary site preparation may have been done for you, and you can begin with making sure the site is graded to provide proper drainage and making sure you know where any underground utilities are located. 

Otherwise, before you can begin building, you may need to deal with the remnants of the storm-damaged home or clear and grade a previously undeveloped site.

Removing the damaged home before rebuilding

If you want to salvage building materials and special architectural features from the existing home -- either for your own use or for donation -- the process will be more hazardous and longer than it would be if you call in a demolition crew. Be sure you or the people working on salvaging materials from your home use techniques and equipment that provide protection from mold, asbestos and lead. Remember that many wood products cannot be moved across parish lines without termite treatment due to concern for spreading the Formosan subterranean termites. 

Site Clearing and Grading

Starting with previously undeveloped property, you'll need to decide where to locate the home on the property and whether to try to save any trees and what to do with trees that you cut down. 

1/3/2007 6:56:17 PM
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