St. John 4-H Photo Gallery

Deborah Hurlbert, Heil, Shandy

East St. John Freshmen Academy students view spaghetti and marshmallow structures to determine which ones will stand when faced with simulated high winds from a fan.

4-H is fun!

Daquan carefully constructs a spaghetti and marshmallow structure he hopes will resistant simulated high winds.

East St. John Freshmen Academy and 4-H A-Team members visit Parish Emergency Operations Center.

St. John 4-H A-Team makes site visit to East St. John High School under renovation. Damage to the school was due to flood water.

St.. John 4-H A-Team thanks NOAA representative, Jeff Grashel for demonstrating floodplain model.

LSU AgCenter associate, Shandy Heil conducts building vulnerability assessment class with students.

A- Team prepares for presentation to the St. John Parish Council.

Students enjoy visit to St. John Emergency Operations Center.

11/5/2015 10:37:07 AM
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