If you don’t have the right answers to this hurricane quiz, you may be flirting with disaster for your home or your family, cautions LSU AgCenter housing specialist Dr. Claudette Reichel.
"Even if you’ve been through a hurricane before, it’s easy to forget some of the preparations that can protect your property and family as well as save time, money and hassles after the storm," Reichel says.
The LSU AgCenter expert says you need to take action to protect your family and home if you answer "No" or "I don't know" to any of these 20 questions:
For more information on preparing for a disaster or recovering from one, contact your parish LSU AgCenter Extension office. You also may download the online versions of A South Louisiana Guide to Living with Hurricanes and There's a Hurricane Forming (with tips and a hurricane tracking chart) in the Hazards and Threats -Publications section.