To help educators and caregivers help youth cope with the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the LSU AgCenter 4-H Youth Development program is reviewing and recommending curriculum materials that emphasize hands-on activities.
Click image read a cute story that teaches preschoolers about responsibility.
Click on image to read a cute story that teaches preschoolers about respect and good character.
Click image to read a cute story that teaches preschoolers about caring and good character.
Click image to read a cute story that teaches preschoolers about citizenship and good character.
Click the image to read a cute story to your child that teaches preschool children about fairness.
Teachers are an important influence on young children. The children in your classroom will learn by the example you set for them. This means that the ways you are respectful of others will influence the ways the children are respectful of others.
Teachers are an important influence on young children. The children in your class will learn by the example you set for them. If your children see you being responsible, they will want to act responsibly, too.
When you think about teaching your children to be trustworthy, you must remember that it does not happen overnight. Instead, it is something you should model for your children every day because teachers are an important influence on young children.
Teachers are an important influence on young children. The children in your class will learn by the example you set for them. If your children see you acting in a caring way, they will want to act in a caring way, too.
Being a good citizen is something adults may do every day. Adults might practice good citizenship by: obeying traffic laws, paying taxes, helping a neighbor, volunteering or recycling. The children in your class will develop good citizenship habits by following your good citizenship practices.
Young children are very impressionable, and teachers are an important influence on young children. One way you can help children learn to be fair is by example. If the children see you following rules, sharing, listening to others and not placing blame, they will be likely to follow your example.
You are the most important teacher your child will ever have. Your children will learn by the example you set for them. If your children see you acting in a caring way, they will want to act in a caring way, too.
Being a good citizen is something adults may do every day. Adults might practice good citizenship by: obeying traffic laws, paying taxes, helping a neighbor, volunteering or recycling. Your child will develop good citizenship habits by following your good citizenship practices.
Young children are very impressionable, and you are the most important teacher your child will ever have. One way you can help your child learn to be fair is by example. If your child sees you following rules, sharing with your family, listening to others and not placing blame, he or she will be likely to follow your example.
You are the most important teacher your child will ever have. Your children will learn by the example you set for them. This means that the ways that you are respectful of others will influence the ways your child is respectful of others.
You are the most important teacher your child will ever have. Your children will learn by the example you set for them. If your children see you being responsible, they will want to act responsibly, too.
When you think about teaching your children to be trustworthy, you must remember it does not happen overnight. Instead, trustworthiness and good character are something you should model for your children every day because you are the most important teacher your child will ever have.
The Character Critters storybook is ideal for parents or grandparents to read to their children or grandchildren. The storybook includes six separate stories that talk about being fair, trustworthy, responsible, respectful, caring and a good citizen. Cost: $7 plus tax and shipping. You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below. Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards accepted.
Preschool and kindergarten character education resources. Use this link to access the following Character Critter materials all at once: Bookmarks, Hand Puppets, Masks, and Hat patterns.
Create fun masks and hats to wear featuring your favorite Character Critters.
Print out and share Character Critter bookmarks featuring the Critters' favorite sayings.
Preschool and Kindergarten character resources - fun Character Critters coloring sheets along with interactive drawing pages.
Preschool and kindergarten characer education resources. Use a garden glove to create storytelling finger puppets that will add life to your Character Critters story experience.
Click image to read a cute story that teaches preschoolers about trustworthiness.
Many believe that providing character education for all our children at home, in school and in our communities can help our nation. In keeping with this growing recognition that character education is critically needed for our young children and youth, Character Critters was developed by the LSU AgCenter for preschool and kindergarten children.
Responsibility often is difficult to develop in children. Youngsters must have some inherent sense of responsibility before the trait can be developed more fully.