Land holdings in Louisiana by foreign enterprises
Report on NRCS contracts complaince in Louisiana.
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Monthly updates on conservaiton and commodities
In this article, Dr. Parvej discusses things to be considered regarding soil fertility and nutrient management in fall.
Monthly updates on conservation and commodity news.
monthly updates of conservation and commodity news
monthly updates on conservation and commodity news
This publication reports on the first Louisiana Ag Lenders and Land Appraiser’s survey.
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Monthly newsletter about conservation and commodities
Monthly update on conservation and commodity related programs
Monthly update on conservation and commodities
Sweeping sugarcaen residue for no-burn
Monthly newsletter on conservation and commodity updates
Monthly newsletter on conservation and commodities.
USDA program for farmers.
newsletter providing updates on conservation and commodity news
A tool to allow farmers to estimate costs of cover crop implementation and management.
Updates on conservation and commodities news
In this issue: Days suitable for fieldwork, Rain and drought, Crop mix and tillage, Corn market wading in water and more.
A monthly update on commodities and conservation aspects relevant to Louisiana farmers
Information on Louisiana farmers from the latest Agricultural census
Description on conservation practices trend in Louisiana
The article provides an update to conservation program payments for 2019
Article about conservation and cropland values
Cover crop acres in Louisiana are on an upward trend.
CSP and EQIP Spending in Louisiana
Combining appropriate cover crop and conservation tillage methods are eligible for cot-share incentives from NRCS.
conservation practices can reduce the vulnerability of production systems to natural events and can minimize the risk of production loss
Cover crops are widely considered as an effective means for improving soil health; however, there are several questions surrounding their adoption.
The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) allows farmers and landowners to adopt voluntary conservation activities to mitigate resource concerns.
Soil health management practices are greatly supported, through financial and technical assistance, by conservation agencies to preserve land productivity.
The economics and adoption of surge values in irrigation of row crops indicate that investment in such efficiency improvements will improve farm profits.
Understanding irrigation efficiency improvements and how such changes influence farm profitability is important when making investments in such improvements.
Farmers must understand the changes proposed to the nations biggest conservation program.
The document provides insight on the new ruling in NRCS-EQIP regarding irrigation history waiver and how such a policy change can be used.
Mississippi Delta region GW withdrawal permits continue at 18 ac-in for row crops and 36 ac-in for rice production, with new proposed changes to timeline.
The new Clean Water Rule became effective in August 2015. The fact sheet clarifies some of the definitions in the new rule comparing to the old rule.