Mosquito Landing Rate Counts

Biting Mosquito

As a part of a state-supported aerial mosquito spraying program coordinated by the Louisiana Department of Heath and Hospitals, mosquito landing rate counts are required before and after aerial spraying is conducted. Comparing before and after counts will allow for the efficacy of spraying to be evaluated. LSU AgCenter personnel may be requested to help conduct landing rate counts.

Following is the procedure for conducting these counts:

  • Landing rate counts should be taken at dusk, when most species are active.

  • Wear light-colored clothing so it is easier to count the number of mosquitoes landing on you. Don’t wear repellent. Wear both a long-sleeved shirt and long pants to lessen the risk of mosquito bites during this process. While it is true that West Nile Virus is a concern, the vast majority of mosquitoes active after the storms are not species involved in the transmission of WNV.

  • If possible, go with one or more persons to get a more accurate count and to keep time.

  • Stand with legs straight and arms away from the body, palms up or down, for 1 minute without moving.

  • Count the mosquitoes on arms and legs.

  • Keep track of the time and place you are during the counts because landing rate counts will be required post-spraying to assay efficacy of application. These recounts should be acquired at the same location and time as before.

In brief, here are the steps:

  • Take landing counts at dusk.
  • Wear light-colored long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
  • Don’t wear repellent.
  • Stand with legs straight and arms away from the body for 1 minute.
  • Count the mosquitoes on arms and legs.
  • After the spraying go back to the same place at the same time for a recount.

If you have questions contact Dr. Wayne Kramer, associate professor, at 225-578-1835 or e-mail, or Leigh-Anne Lawton, research associate specialist, at 225-578-7229 or e-mail. Both are in the LSU AgCenter Department of Entomology.

9/26/2008 11:09:02 PM
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