This is a list of all the dates and locations of LSU AgCenter sponsored LA State Arborist CEU programs.
Youth are being engaged as citizen scientists to help build local knowledge while learning about natural resources and urban forest ecosystems.
This is a list of all the dates and locations of LSU AgCenter sponsored LA State Arborist CEU programs.
The AgCenter hosted arborist training in August 2022 and this blog described the event.
This week’s RSFF looks at trees. Some trees are drought-stressed and need irrigation. There are a couple of tree identifications and tree health.
This article looks at helping lawns recover after storm debris is removed. The last paragraph looks at what criteria is needed to become a champion tree.
Dates and locations of continuing education opportunities for Louisiana licensed arborists and other green industry professionals.
Evening classes for Louisiana licensed arborist to earn state and ISA CEUs.
The ISA Certification and Louisiana Exam Review Course is a 12-session, 36-hour online, short-course.
This guide will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about tree planting in the area. It suggests native and well-adapted trees for our region and describes how to grow them successfully. The tree illustration fold-out can also be used as a poster (22" x 34").
Sound stewardship of urban and community trees includes employing the services of arborists to help maintain their health and vitality. This article provides the homeowner tips on finding and hiring a tree care professional for your residential tree care needs.
Many native trees usually can be saved and protected for valuable shade trees. Be sure to check the following points carefully before construction begins.
This guide will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about tree planting in the area. It suggests native and well-adapted trees for our region and describes how to grow them successfully. The tree illustration fold-out can also be used as a poster (22" x 34").
Sound stewardship of urban and community trees includes employing the services of arborists to help maintain their health and vitality. This article provides the homeowner tips on finding and hiring a tree care professional for your residential tree care needs.