These stumpage prices are the statewide averages and are intended to demonstrate the general trends in the market.
Outlook for important wood products and stumpage prices of major timber product classes for the months April – June.
Forest landowners and other forest stakeholders may find this information helpful with making financial decisions regarding forestry markets.
Outlook for important wood products and the stumpage prices of major timber product classes for the prior three months.
Forest landowners and other forest stakeholders may find this information helpful with making financial decisions regarding forestry markets.
Important wood products and the stumpage prices of major timber product classes for the prior three months.
Timber prices for stumpage products in Louisiana
Louisiana Timber Market Report - Third Quarter 2017. Tags: Louisiana timber markets; Louisiana stumpage prices.
Louisiana Timber Market Report - First Quarter 2017. Tags: Louisiana timber markets; Louisiana stumpage prices.
Louisiana Timber Market Report - First Quarter 2017. Tags: Louisiana timber markets; lumber markets; Louisiana stumpage prices.
Louisiana Timber Market Report - Second Quarter 2016. Tags: Louisiana timber markets; lumber markets; Louisiana stumpage prices.
Louisiana Timber Market Report - First Quarter 2016. Tags: Louisiana timber markets; lumber markets; Louisiana stumpage prices.