A producer or landowner must complete three phases of the LMFP in order to receive certification from the Louisiana Dept. of Ag and Forestry, which may completed at any time and in any order. Completion of each of these phases must be documented and verified by LMFP faculty, NRCS, and Louisiana Department of Ag and Forestry. Once a producer or landowner has completed the classroom training (Phase 1), attended a conservation-based field day (Phase 2), and implemented an RMS level conservation plan on the entire farm (Phase 3), all requirements will have been met and they can apply for certification through their local NRCS district office or through the LMFP faculty. The Commissioner of Agriculture and all program partners will present the producer with an official certification plaque and metal sign at an awards luncheon.
Once certified, six hours of continuing education credits are required per year. After the five-year certification has expired, the producer must request to be re-certified and update their RMS conservation plan through the local NRCS office. If re-certification is not requested within a reasonable time-frame, the producer is no longer considered a certified Master Farmer.
To join the more than 370 producers who have been certified or re-certified since 2006, visit the home page for more specific information on upcoming trainings and events.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture