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The Louisiana Master Farmer Program is a voluntary certification program that focuses on helping agricultural producers address environmental concerns while enhancing production and resource management skills. The program helps producers by teaching them more about environmental stewardship, conservation-based production techniques, and sustainability. Through a collaboration with other program partners, the program uses a comprehensive approach that includes classroom instruction (Phase 1), participation in a conservation-based field day or workshop (Phase 2), and implementation of a comprehensive conservation plan on the entire farming operation (Phase 3). To date, over 4,000 producers, landowners, and agricultural industry leaders have participated in one or more phases of the program, with 378 receiving Master Farmer certification or re-certification since 2006.

To find out more about each phase of the program or the certification process, select from the links below. Information regarding trainings and field days are listed under each respective phase.

What's New:

  • A new video summarizing the program and the benefits of certification.
  • Newly certified and re-certified Master Farmers will be recognized at the 2024 Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts Association Annual Meeting on January 9th in Baton Rouge.
  • A Phase 1 (classroom instruction) online module is now available under the "Phase 1" tab. A producer may complete all the listed requirements and receive credit for this phase of the program. If you have already filled out a registration form (by attending another event), you do not need to fill out another one.



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