University of Arkansas ● Clemson University ● University of Florida
University of Georgia ● Louisiana State University
North Carolina State University ● Texas A&M University
This site hosts data files for the six-university (Southeastern UNiversity GRAINS) small grain breeding and genetics group. Please click on links in the navigation menu on the left to get started. Data from this site should not be used without permission.
SunGrains is a cooperative research program that was initially established by five southeastern university small grain breeding programs in 2005. The SunGrains agreement was revised in 2011 and expanded to six institutions.
The mission of the SunGrains cooperative breeding program is to increase efficiency and productivity of the breeding programs to ensure development of superior varieties that serve all end users; to enhance graduate student training in applied and basic plant breeding and genetics research; and to ensure long-term viability of these programs by increasing opportunities for program funding through revenues and enhanced extramural funding.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture