If sugarcane varieties are the lifeblood of the Louisiana sugar industry, then variety selection is one of your most important decisions.
Why do farmers burn in the first place? What are the benefits of burning crop residues? What will happen if farmers are not able to burn? What is a prescribed burn? What is smoke and ash management? Find these answers and more in this publication.
A dry weather pattern is being credited with an assist as the 2022 Louisiana sugarcane harvest is off to a sweet start.
Complete pdf of the Chemical Weed Management Guide.
The benefits of cover crops for sugarcane grown in Louisiana.
The 2019 Sugarcane Research Annual Progress Report is broken down into smaller sections for your review.
The sugarcane borer (SCB), Diatraea saccharalis, is the primary pest of sugarcane in Louisiana.
Sugarcane varieties are the lifeblood of the Louisiana sugarcane industry. Variety diversification is essential to the survival of the industry.
When you visit a raw sugar factory in Louisiana, you will see one of Louisiana’s largest, oldest and most fascinating industries in operation.
Wireworms are larvae of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae), which are sporadic pests of sugarcane in Louisiana and Florida.
Sugarcane is the highest-valued row crop grown in Louisiana. For sugarcane production to continue to thrive in Louisiana, responsible management of soil and water resources should be a priority. This guide lists the Best Management Practices (BMPs) to use in Louisiana sugarcane production. (PDF Format Only)
This publication includes information on process of brixing and how it can help improve sugarcane quality. It also includes information on the correct treatments for your fields with the highest brix. (PDF Format Only)
The 2016 Sugarcane Research Annual Report highlights research activities by scientists from the LSU AgCenter and cooperating agencies.
Why is the sugarcane industry important to Louisiana? Why do farmers burn sugarcane in the first place? What are the benefits of burning sugarcane? Find these answers and more. (PDF Format Only)
This publication lists procedures and specific examples of how to calibrate sugarcane sprayers. (PDF format only)
The Mexican rice borer is a devastating pest of sugarcane and a serious pest of rice. It was first collected in Louisiana in two pheromone traps on Dec. 15, 2008, near two rice fields northwest of Vinton, La. Identification, injury, scouting and management infomation included. (PDF Format Only)
This publication provides information to help growers make management decisions. (PDF format only)
A description of how biomass is being used for energy in Louisiana with an emphasis on the potential for expansion in the industry. (PDF format only)