General Production Practices
(07/23/24) An extreme drought across Louisiana last year showed how vulnerable soybeans are to stressful climate conditions.
Inoculating Soybean with Bradyrhizobium japonicum for Nitrogen Fixation.
Certain herbicides are often applied in Louisiana to attain increased harvest efficiency.
A regular soil testing regimen is paramount to a productive row cropping operation and a sound fertility program.
The Cotton, Corn and Soybean Net Return Comparison Decision Aid is a spreadsheet-based decision tool developed to assist row crop producers in decision making.
The Mid-South Soybean Board (MSSB) funds research projects that address soybean-production questions and challenges to benefit farmers across the region.
Irrigation ponds can irrigate fields during the summer without resorting to pumping water from wells.
Links to publications and websites related to soybeans and soybean production.
(Distributed 06/07/13) WINNSBORO, La. – The old cliché that says “timing is everything” is especially true when growing soybeans in northeast Louisiana, according to Josh Lofton, LSU AgCenter researcher at the Macon Ridge Research Station near Winnsboro.
(Distributed 08/07/13) CROWLEY, La. – A burgeoning interest in growing soybeans in southwest Louisiana has led LSU AgCenter agronomist Dustin Harrell to start a project this year to find out the best planting window for soybeans in southwest Louisiana.