Identification & Management
LSU AgCenter entomologist Fangneng Huang has spent the last few years trying to get to the bottom of protein resistance.
Control of southern green/green stinkbugs, brown stinkbugs, red shouldered stink bugs, bean leaf beetles, three-cornered alfalfa hoppers, banded cucumber beetles, blister beetles, velvetbean caterpillars, green cloverworms, soybean loopers, fall armyworms, salt marsh caterpillars, beet armyworms and corn earwoms.
2020 Insect Pest Management Guide – Complete book
The southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), and the brown stink bug, Euschistus servus (Say), are common pests in Louisiana agricultural crops including cotton, soybeans, corn and grain sorghum. The objective of this presentation is to point out some visual differences between the two species which are helpful for early field detection.
In Louisiana, southern green stink bugs and brown stink bugs (Figures 1, 2 and 3) have become common pests of corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybean and wheat. In corn, an infestation can cause injury to the plant from seedling emergence through ear formation and grain development. Seedlings punctured by stink bugs exhibit small holes surrounded by localized dead tissue.
Soybean insect information, Soybean Field Guide,and links to the management guides, including the Louisiana Insect Pest Management Guide.
Web-friendly LSU AgCenter Soybean Insect Identification Guide (publication 3127) with link to the Louisiana Insect Pest Management Guide for controlling insects.
Links to publications and websites related to soybeans and soybean insects.
2011 recomended controls and thresholds for soybean insect pests. Brief biological sketches of soybean insect pests are included. Soybeans can be damaged by insects any time from plant emergence until near to harvest in Louisiana. Many kinds of insects feed on leaves, stems, roots, nodules and pods, but only a few require control with insecticides. (PDF Fomat Only)
This guide can be used to aid in the identification of soybean insects in Louisiana. (PDF Format Only)
In Louisiana, southern green stink bugs and brown stink bugs (Figures 1, 2 and 3) have become common pests of corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybean and wheat. In corn, an infestation can cause injury to the plant from seedling emergence through ear formation and grain development. Seedlings punctured by stink bugs exhibit small holes surrounded by localized dead tissue.